Qatar Navigation employees working under the hot summer sun
I am a concerned family of an employee of qatar navigation. why do they allow or push workers to work even under the heat of the summer sun throughout the day? isnt it that the labor department already issued memorandum to protect these workers during the summer? i wish labor could check on their situation, if it is rightful to implement such kind of work because i thnk it is killing them
I commiserate with you, but these kind of things have been going on for a while. There is an existing law if I'm not mistaken, that if temp. reaches 50 deg. work should stop. Unfortunately, we don't hear it from the authorities. QN management should initiate since it's their moral obligation to look after the well being of their employees. Pardon the cliche: this is Qatar. :(
So, this issue needs to be taken up with the concerned aurhority rather than asking for Question here, because we Qlers can only sympethesize but the concerned authority can take some action,