Q-Tel Mobile internet - too sloooooow...

By hassan1024 •
I've been getting really low speeds on my Q-Tel USB modem connection for the last week or so, around 230KBps as opposed to the 2 MBps I'd been getting earlier. It's slow on both my Mac and my PC. Has anyone else been having this problem? I though I might check if someone has a solution, before I head off to Q-tels dreaded customer service people.
ohh u mean 3g internet...sorry i only use adsl
im fine...downloading 15 gigs
I live near the Bank street, I don't think that's relevant now, because I used to get really fast connections in the same area before. As vignale says, it's probably down to more users signing up by the day, and Q-tels' lovely networks not being able to cope.
I do wish Vodafone comes in quickly and saves us all of the trouble ...
"The best way to predict the future is to create it".
Yes, I got the same problems, it is pretty much useless for me to use at the moment. I guess it is too popular with too many people using the system. THey obviously needs to upgrade capacity.
live which area.