Precious Cargo

I am sadly leaving the Middle East in August and wish to return my belongings to Australia from Doha. I dont have any bulky furniture or household items, only personal affects, clothes, books and electronic equipment.
Upon arrival in Doha I flew my belongings from Dubai with great ease, after a few issues with customs I was re-united with all 132kgs of gubbins.
It seems, now, all my calls to removal, cargo and freight companies are met with apathy and uninterest. I am constantly awaiting mails and return calls.
I feel like a very small fish in a big pond, if I had 200 cars to transport they would be on me in a flash.
So can anybody give me any advise on how to go about getting my prized possessions home, in one piece, with out having to raise a small mortgage??
Thank you.
call 4675519 and look for Radha she can help you.