Post-Delivery @ Al-Ahli – Busy. (Part 3 of 3)
After delivery, we went back to our room. It was a unique experience because we could view the baby at any time by asking the nurses in the nursery. But, I will say that those poor ladies are overworked. They were also professional and sweet to us and our baby, but they didn’t have much time for us. Our lactation specialist (which I’m sure I was billed for) showed up for about 10 minutes and then left because her shift was over. She said we’d see her in the morning, but folks, if you are breastfeeding, you’ll have about 6-9 feedings between 4pm and 7am. Without help, we were trying our breast. I honestly thank God that my wife was so strong. She worked through it all like a champ. In the morning, the lactation specialist called in sick and we never saw her in the two days we were in the room post-delivery.
A few nurses were very kind and showed us how to do diapers, etc. Trust me, we both had experience, but it’s different with your own newborn. They are so delicate. We had questions about her hunger issues, so on the second night, they helped us “top-off” our little cutie because she wasn’t getting enough colostrum (milk) from my wife. That was huge. Sometimes we felt we were burdening them and by that I mean that sometimes they acted as if we were burdening them…but most nurses were humble and understanding. Post-delivery was the only part that really saved Al-Ahli’s horrible image in our mind. It wasn’t perfect. Staff were not always great. But it was understandable given how busy they seemed to be.
These are our opinions and observations for our post-delivery experiences. If you want more information or opinions feel free to email me: [email protected].
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