One Eyed Kitten

I found a kitten in my back garden today - looking like it was abandoned by it's mother and I took it to the vets (it clearly had eye problems). the vet initially said it just needed anti-biotics and a couple of days at the vets and then it would be fine. However, upon closer inspection, the kitten will have to have one eye taken out but will need a little more care and attention than just releasing it on the compound and me feeding it (alongside the other cat lovers).
Unfortunately, I cannot adopt it, I have another cat with health problems who cannot have another animal in the house and I may well be leaving Doha in the early part of next year.
I have paid for the vets bills so far and I am also about to pay for the operation but i really need someone to step up and adopt this little cat. It is a tabby and looks sweet - can anyone help, if so, please can you PM me,
Thanks so much
the kitten is going to have it's eye taken out on Saturday and spend a few days at the vets recuperating, after which it will need a home. I have someone who can take it very temporarily but she has 20+ cats already that she is trying to rehome.
PLEASE can someone help with a nice home for this little kitten, it is tabby and very sweet looking and affectionate when I went to visit it yesterday.
Just email me through QL, thanks
Sorry for posting that more than once - internet went funny on me whilst posting
I hope I do too -
I hope I do too -
Well done for taking in the poor little thing. Hope you find someone to look after it.
Hi jj75,
first of all I want to say that you've done a really good thing by helping this kitten. I really wish there was more people like you around! I think the best thing to do is to take a photo of him/her and post it on the Cats In Qatar facebook page along with all the details regarding how you found it (you can find CIQ here - I also suggest you put posters of the kitten up in your local veterinary surgery. I hope this helps and that this kitten finds a home very very soon.
Good luck!