Now we can do part time jobs in qatar ?
By dharma.naidu •
now we can do part time jobs in qatar ?
now we can do part time jobs in qatar ?
jasmine.. Do you still offer this part time job???
I really need money...
Jasmine ..................... hai how are u doing my frend?
only for girlssssssssssssss?
Can i also apply.
There are posts available, part time and full time but are looking for ladies with excellent or native English for reception work. Thank you for raising this though.
I think you failed to see the joke, i was not offering any work, snowyowl is known to me outside of QL and it was mearly a joke between us.
come on friend.... i thought u have some technical related work offers ....... but u make people wonder that known personal works.
Yeah well only till the end of the week then at least I have a holiday from the school run. just decribed my typical day, except for the visa thing, and hubby prefers another type of drink while he pounds away at the computer. Now....think I will focus on being a stepford wife and learn how to shop ;-)
I may be blonde but I am wise
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First of all the kids need to be picked up from school and dropped of home clean out there lunch boxes, then I have some visa's which need processing straight away, also the cats need feeding, you need to make lunch for the family ( there are some sausages and steak out and veges for a salad), you need to also make sure that i am kept in constant supply of coffee while i just sit here and troll the internet;P
i have work for you will you work.
its from 8pm till 4am at farm house in darkness just security guard. ah yea there are ghosts too there.
is that really serious work ? i mean if it is very big deal or not ? that's why i asked nature of work and timings. if it is very big deal it's better u say full time work .any way could u mail me Mis cat
LOL Mis-cat...lets know I have no life at the mo, thus no rights and I can get a whole bundle of people to vouch for the fact I have no sanity to give up!
When do I start??
I may be blonde but I am wise
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but I must warn you once you start work for me you must be prepared to give up your life,rights & sanity ;P
bu most cases Main sponsor never give NOC
The AdMan
4 ur advertising needs
call me
let me know the nature of work and times can I work for you Mis-cat?? I can make a mean coffee lol
I may be blonde but I am wise
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I have advertised part time jobs many times on QL and not had a very good response. (still have posts) Didn't know I was supposed to get permit myself, better get down there...
in google "part time job qatar" was searched on per word basis. Check the link and you will notice that there was no clear part-time job being mentioned therein.
part time job here in qatar is okei provided you have an NOC/Letter from your sponsor allowing you to do the part time work
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here, provided that you are under family sponsorship or you r main sponsor gives you a NOC to do it.
hmm...interesting as I was offered a job and was told can do it part time if that was preferrable
I may be blonde but I am wise
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