A nice software for Restaurants --- from LG

Dear Friends
This software you can introduce any of your Restaurant clients.
Normally you watch satellite channel programs on a TV set and Digital Signage advts on a Monitor.
This is a new concept - two in one.... Good for Restaurants
With EzSign TV , business owners can simultaneously show branded advertisements and television broadcasts, attracting attention and delivering specific messages to customers. A 42" LCD TV cost only less than 1000 USD... which includes the software. NO ADDITIONAL NETWORK OR INFRASTRUCTURE EXPENDITURE.
These TVs are manufactured by only LG and the each set comes with a FREE software, which allows you to edit the promotions / advertisements to be appeared in the TV sets. There are 30 templates we give free of cost, on which you can design you own way of publishing. These TVs does not require a network connection, but the normal satellite connections in the Hotel. These promotions / advertisements give a value-added- service to customers.
I am able to get you a site, which show you a video clipping.
Sorry, I felt something newwwwwwwww
Sound's pretty intresting, thanks for sharing.