New Comers on QL

By minchy_83@25qa •
Heller everybody...actually i'm just new user of QL and i'm enjoying sending comments to anyone...anyway i'm looking for a job too, any admin works or receptionist maybe you can advice or help me about it.
Thank you.
Hello friendly!
Mucho nice peoples here
Welcome here!! ^_^
"..people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care.."
wel come to ql
keep sending your cv every where :P
Welcome to QL and also try to join QL Filex if you wanted to gain more friends and escape boredom while in Qatar.
Job ??
Oh boy wrong place to ask..... :(
All the best though...hope you get a nice one ASAP :)
Man created religion ..not GOD... get over it guys...- FS
Nice to meet u!!!!!!
Best of luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Heller New Comer welcome to Qatar Living.
सोनम दि नेपाली बाबु
Hunting good job need patience, keep looking job but at right place, not at online community forum...
wELcOME TO ql,,,