New born baby visa_different sponsorship

Hello everyone,
I and my wife have been working in Qatar for the last couple of years and we are under different sponsorship. With the grace of God we blessed with a baby girl recently. I and my wife are earning a sustnatial salary/allowance, and we have all proper documenst in hand. Still I had really a pathetic experince when I wanted to finish our baby's RP. Now everything is done so a big sigh of relief. Unlike others (wife under husband sponsorship) there are many formalities to cover, even birth cert. collection, visa application, stamping etc. It was a long time process for me. I worked for it, run here and there, knocked many doors, most of the attempts were in vain. The staffs sitting at the emmigration didnt give proper direction, instead they often misled my direction.
QL is the only space where I got atleast few ideas about birth cert, visa etc. As i said, now i finished all formalities and enjoy peace of mind. But I jut thought I will post something here as I know there are many like me who are experiencing same problems. I'm not sure at what extend I can help, but I can share whatever I've learned from my experience. You can drop me a personal msg or leave a comment below.
Lets hope we all have a peaceful llife in this complicated world.
Take care!
educational qualification etc. / sir hw about if the husband is only high school graduate but my wife is college graduate would that be possible for approval.?
My application was rejected 1 week after i submiited application. When I approached the desk at gharaffa, they gave me committe meeting date (which was almost after 1 month from the date of application). At the meeting they confirmed our salary, educational qualification etc.). Then the status changed from 'rejected' to 'under process'. And approved after 4 days.
Hi i have the same situation right now. What did you do to finally get the approval of your baby's RP?thanks