...need your info ..please

....I am going to open a file in Women's Hospital . Anyone knows the working hours or the timings for opening a file for appointment there. I heard it will take few weeks before you can have the first appointment, so need to open a file first before any consultation appointment to any OB gyne there.
You will need
- Female: passport/ID copy plus proof from sponsor
(example: husband’s passport/ID or employer letter or sponsor letter)
- A copy of a marriage certificate or other proof of marriage document
- Valid health card
They open a file when you will have your appointment, it is a 3-minute procedure if you have all documents.
get a referral from any ob-gyne dr., either private or govt. health centers, then bring it to women's hosp for opening files. Or if you have regular consultation at any govt. health centers your medical files will automatically be forwarded to women's hospital on your 7-months pregnancy.