Need URGENT advise please
Dear friends,
regards to all. I am from kuwait and going to move next month to qatar for a job. I have my kuwait RP valid till october of this year. I want to know is it possible to enter qatar with 4 month valid kuwait RP?
And is it possible to get qatar RP if my passport still has valid kuwait RP?
Pls reply and i need to proceed accordingly. Its urgent pls.
Question Asked
"is it possible to get qatar RP if my passport still has valid kuwait RP?"
Resident Idiot's Reply
"your sponsor would be very happy to get you the visa / Id etc"
As far as I know you have to cancel another GCC county's Visa to obtain Qatar Residence Permit
Bob, You are welcome here with open arms ....... we like the talent. You should not worry at all ....... Just drop in here ............ your sponsor would be very happy to get you the visa / Id etc ........... Please stay for long long time & contribute to our progress ........ wish you joys ............ !! ............