Need lawyer in Qatar

Hi there..
I need a lawyer that can give me advise about housing / flatcontract.
My problem is, I have stopped my flat contract before the contract end, it'll be finished by the end of Dec '08, and I decided to move out by end Jan 08. I already told the owner in the middle of Jan that I want to stop the contract by the end of JAN. At first they said it's OK, I can come again to their office to collect my bank checks for the whole period after I vacant the flat. But then , on 5FEB I met them again, they refused to give me the rest of the bank checks and they said I have to pay for the rent of the month of February, eventhough I dont live there anymore. They said, it's as per Qatar Law, and they also mention that as per Qatar Law I have to informed them 3 or 4 months before if I want to move out and also I have to pay for 4 months rent as a fine. And they said that they are being nice to me that I have only pay 1 month rent as a fine.
The thing is, there's no word in the contract under my sign saying that I should tell the owner 3 0r 4 months before move out and 4 months rent as a fine. So, based on that, I refused to pay, but they still send the February cheque to the bank, and It bounced back because there's no money anymore in that account. After that I come again to them and asked very nicely to give me back the checks, but they insist that I have to pay for the month of February or they will report me to the police.
PLease help....
HI Amnesia! Maybe you're not that kind, but most that i met, they do. If you are a lawyer then can you help our troubled brother here, give him an advise to what and where he should go and do. For the sake of being co-members here.
"There's nothing we can do to change the past, if it teaches you a lesson profit from it then, forget it."
If you cancel the cheques at the bank without settling the matter with the landlord and getting release OR without sending an official note about cancelling the contract, then the landlord would have the right to sue you for giving dishonored cheques and you will be in deep trouble.
that's not the way I work. I'm lawyer, I always offer advice and I don't talk about fee's unless it's a serious issue or I'm hired.
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Ariekur, think twice before meetiing a lawyer, it will cost you alot, and he will not do anything unless you talk serious first about his fee. If you have a complain, go to the court as i heard in the previous forums and read about this in the Newspaper. I think in few weeks or days if not mistaken, there will be an office to tackle of all these issues. Go to Gulf times and search, just few days ago, it was posted there .
"There's nothing we can do to change the past, if it teaches you a lesson profit from it then, forget it."
you have to give one months' notice, it is NOT 3-4 months.
You ask him for the legislative decree.
I suggest you go to your bank and cancel the cheques if they don't return them.
As EVERYONE in ANY COUNTRY should know. Always get things in WRITING!
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The lawyer cannot do anything. You have to give a notice period (in writing) and have them sign on a copy of that notice letter (acknowledging receipt)
Usually the terms that are not mentioned in the contract are considered as per the Qatari law
You should be happy that they only want one months rent. I know that many contracts talk about 2 and 4 months rent to pay- and it might be Qatar Law.