Need to know....Please help!
I have only 5 months to complete my contract with my current employer and I fear that the company is not so willing to send me back.
I have already informed them before 6 months, and sent some mails to my manager anyway.
What should I do if my company holds me after my contract? Is there anything I should take care of before taking desperate measures?
It seems that it is too easy for the companies to file a fake complaint on a missing employee.
So if my company has got a grudge on me they can simply file such thing against me. Should such a situation what can I do?
Unfortunately Currently my employer has confiscated my passport and I also didn't insist to take it back cause I am a bit of absent minded. Please help me!
Thanks a lot for replying....everything seems to be fine except the fact that I don't have any hard copies acknowledged by them. All I have is those mails I sent them. Is that okay? I also have a copy of my contract with me. So I'll send a mail one month before my contract expires like i was told......Thank you very much.
"I have already informed them before 6 months" it in the form of an official signed resignation letter inline with the notice period mentioned in the Employment Contract. If not, suggest you do it and take a copy of the company having received by someone who is responsible to receive it.
There is nothing they can do to stop you from leaving the company after the completion of your contract. Take out prints of your emails you have sent them regarding your plans to quit, Keep them safely at home. Write to them again just one month prior to your end of contract mentioning your previous emails of the notices you had given them. After your contract ends and they do not want to let you go, then go to the Human Rights Committee and lodge a petition. They will call the company. If after this they still do not listen, lodge a complaint with the Labor Office. They will definitely assist you. While lodging a complaint with the Labor Office, do mention in the form you need your End of Service Benefits. Lastly, don't be afraid if you are fighting for your rights. They cannot file a complaint against you as a missing person, You can tell that to the Labor Office if they do this.
best solution...drag them to labour department