Need Urgent Help on Pending Salary !!!

Hello Everyone,
My salary is pending from more than 6 months. My Employer promised me it will be clears within few days so, I waited-waited for my salary at last I resigned. After 3 months of resignation still they are not making my final settlement.
I am mentally disturbed now, I wanted to go to labour court but if they will come to know about this I will be in trouble because they will send my Passport copy to CEID before I file case in labour court (In the past they have done with employees).
I am afraid because If they send my passport copy to CEID, I will not be able to file the case in labour court.
Guys please help me, its very serious matter. I need your valuable advise...
Britexpat: No it just means the legal system grinds on so very very slowly that even IF he wins he will not receive his money for months, if not years !!!!
Trust me on this one !!!
Does this mean that the company which abused him will win out
Try to settle out of court, they will tie you up for years !!!
@britexpat I have not contacted embassy. I heard they don't support much.
Also, if possible, keep your bank statement with you. Since you have not been paid for the past 6 months, surely you can show them the last 12 months transaction, for a strong legal proof of violation of the labour law by your Company.
Go to the Human rights commission and request their help.. Also contact MADSLA and the labour court
Have you requestd guidance from your embassy