need help to process my visa

By meliza jimenez •
My Husband working in qatar for 7 years, His company send me a work visa and employment contract,We have a friend work in agency here in the phil ca help me assist my Documents, when she saw my contract its already verify by the polo owwa, but she still looking a direct hire? as long as this agency is not right to process my documents, she send me to POEA and look which agency is auhorized to process my documents, but i found out name of my contract trace by the POEA was a black listed? so is no other way i can use this? How come the POLO OWWA Verify this contract if is not valid?
Pleased i need your help
about Applebees being blacklisted there (which I find weird). Anyway, if you are a direct hire, go to POEA and folow the procedures for direct-hire workers. If the contract you have, after presentation to the concerned government agencies pass through, then you're okay. But first, inform your husband first!
not my contract a blacklisted is companny name. this one i want to clarifies.
as of my knowledge, POLO verifies the employment documents (i.e, contracts, etc) and OWWA protects the OFW. POEA is the only one who can verify and has access to companies profile, if the company has no records or blacklisted. if it is in blacklisted, there is no way you can leave the country to work with that company.
btw, what do you mean by your "contract" is blacklisted?
if your hubby's company already sent you working visa and employment contract, you're good to go then. just need some papers for red ribbon and then your hubby can send you e-ticket anytime. why would you go to an agency in Manila to process your documents as agencies usually get TOO MUCH money from you for processing it.