Need to find a home for two of our cats

Hi Everyone,
We have two local cats (one male, one female) that we need to find a home for. Both are neutered/spayed and fully vaccinated.
Very friendly and have been indoor cats since we found them as kittens.
The female is about 12 months and the male is about 4 months old.
Any advice on finding them a new home would be much appreciated.
... taking the cats with you? If you are not fostering them I do think you should have thought twice before you committed to adopting pets. They are not just for Christmas! :(((
Please make sure you check out who you give the cats to, and if possible give them together to a good home which you should check out yourself too. Too many stories around, specially recently, about pets who were in foster care and are now being seen running around hungry and abandoned.
ok sir...thank you
I'll reply back with my mobile number to arrange a visit.
hello sir can you please give me your cat i like male i will take good care. i like to cat very much.
Will be leaving in a couple of months and don't want to leave it to the last minute to find them a home.
They have been great companions so we owe it them to find somewhere where they will be loved.
We definitely are not selling them, we are giving them to a new owner who will look after them.
If you meant "re-homing" as literally GIVING AWAY, I'd love to take them (or at least one). It will not be for me, but for an Arab colleague who is so much in love with cats. I am sure she will love them. This will be my sort of friendship gift for her.
...But if you actaully mean "re-homing" as SELLING them, then let me think twice.
Thank you. Have a great day ahead, Sir.
Once you go Mac, you'll never go back!
hope you don't mind...
Yes they both are.
Here are pictures of the male (taken 10 minutes go)
The wife has corrected me though, he is more like 7 months old.
Are they litter trained?
do you have pic of the 4months old male cat