my friend is pregnant!!!!! need logical advise
My friend is now in a predicament and seeking advise from you all expats, she is currently working in this company and unfortunately she got pregnant by of course her husband. She got to learn this after her husband left to UK again, as he is only here under visit visa and everything didn’t work for him.
I say unfortunately, coz she is under contract with this good company and they mutually decided not having any kids yet, not at this time at least. She can't go back to do something about it and she can't in the same time tell them that “I want to go back home to go for something like removing it for example”. What can she do now? Is it legal or possible to have such an operation here? Any details or information about any hospital or clinic here that can do that without having issues later or problems?
And what if, for instance she might have miscarriage and taken to a hospital, will the hospital inform authorities that she got pregnant without the husband here? What will be the implications?
She worked hard to get that contract with the company and she does not want to give it up that easy or lose it. So forgetting about here and going back home unfortunately is not an option.
No I didn't :(. Sorry!
I'm pretty sure you she should talk to a doctor before she does anything. They will know what's best for her and the baby, whatever she decides. I also think she should get an axess ultrasound; she may change her mind about keeping the baby.
Did you notice the dates ??
Please read my 1st post on previous page, other posters are confused on the page which you chose to right your cousins situation and that page was raised by some one almost 2 years ago.... so the other posters are confused i guess... :-)
But are you going to private clinic or govt hospital, i think in either case they will ask the marriage certificate etc and can create an issue, be very careful
no the baby its not even born why is it 2 years old?? i wrote in 2010 ??
my cousin has a appointment tmr at the doctor and we will see
let the baby live
let that baby live
i got pregnant way back in UAE. i never bear in mind about abortion. as soon as i knew i was?.... i've got a mixed feeling of joy and worries.but, i am strong enough that i have to keep my baby no matter what! marriage is not on my mind even. all what i think is life inside me the most important thing. against all odds, i keep him and keep my job.Allah knows best....
zbbhy is right you are responsible of what you've done. and if not, then don't do it. you have to face your fears. in this country its not allowed to get pregnant outside wedlock. so, people can always go back home.anyone get in love and got pregnant, any nationality. but,here we have to respect the law.
and it could be posting on QL.
ROFL.... the kid must be 2yrs EMN said....
this is a very sensitive issue:
1. No to abortion - your friend wants to continue her LIFE working in her company in the expense of taking away someone's LIFE?
It will come back to her anyway.
2. Husband came? Provide tha marriage contract, ticket and entry visa. Easy.
3. Don't want child? AVOID HAVING SEX WITHOUT PROTECTION! If it was mutual decision atleast both of them should have thought about it.
Tell your friend, save the child. It is the best way to do. The child has nothing to do with their carelessness. It was them, so face the consequences.
i think that is very complicated if your friend got pregnant w/o a husband here.Maybe she will go back to phils.
U can ask too anyone..But avoid abortion that is not the ans of your problem...
Your "cousin thinks" is totally a different story as you being lady know better than me the shift of dates is normal in that age...
But should you guys be sure and the timeline and symtoms are confirming the same, than legally it is a crime out here and this is a begining to a new trouble regardless of the parental trouble....
The best suggestion in your case is to leave this place and get the things settled else where...
Perfect stranger the thread was posted in 2007 her kid must be 2 years old now. :P
Aana free, jaana free,
Pakde gaye tho khana free.
did not really c the date...
i m sure the babies r almost 2 by now.
Broken Trish...
4 months is too late to abort...
She should deliver it..the baby will bring his/her own luck.
You should post another thread...just kidding...
If shes pregnanat at 15, and its just been like a few days of may b a month, She better make an escuse to travel abroad. U know what i m tring to say.
my little cousin is 15 and she thinks she's pregnant she didnt tell anybody about it except me. i told her to go to the doctor but i'm still not sure where to tell her wheres the best ?? has anybody any helpful informations?? cause i really try and want to help her. she also doesn't told her parents she's scared that they are angry or something.
thank you in advise for you help :)
maybe a year ago no muslim is in QL yet OR hmmmm... maybe there are but....
who said in islam it is allowed under four month? Astaghfirullah...if people dont know something should not misslead others! you are taking responsibility of all this , how many muslims will read ur post and what if they beliave what you say and they take it as u say how many infants will be killed? i know its an old post but whoever took it back thank you so that we can see how people are giving wrong info about islam.
I dont live with example..Reather I prefer to be an example!
somehow, i cant belive her story
just last comment Supernurse...
Taking advantage of your for-sure medical knowledge.
Im not an expert on femenine issues but:
"She is been pregnat for only weeks, not even a month."
Is this possible?
I thought you have to wait at least one month to be sure of the miss...
War looking for peace,
is like fornication looking for virginity.
and somebody have digged it... hmmm...
just a thought... was the baby aborted? or the baby is a bouncing months-something old now?
Ok guys cut the pro life crap...this issue has been dealt with about a year ago...look at the date!
whether it's legal or not, abortion is not an answer. You want to abort the fetus?Does it endangering your life? Or because of your 'career'? I mean, you're married. What's wrong w/ being pregnant? I don't get it. Do you have any idea how the 4-month old fetus looks like inside a woman's womb? I do. And I wish you would keep him/her. But it's your decision, I'm just one the concern 'mothers'.
Thats a precious gift of God ... take care and someday she will pay you morethan you can earn from your company.
"""U See only the tip on an iceberg ,,, dont be confident it might hit you badly """
Even if you are married, abortion is not allowed in Qatar, you should go back to your country and abort, or if you want to give a try, take an appointment at any gynecologist and tell them about ur case and if u want to abort what can you do!!!
But already, 4 months of pregnancy is too late to abortion ure killing a soul, a baby!!!
Good Luck!
What is illegal for you?
The Abortion issue? or her getting pregnant from her husband which she is legally married too?
Enlighten me with your reply...
The Red Pope of Qatar Living
This is absolutely against the Qatar law; I don’t think you can get a favorable combination of circumstances, so better she would live the country to seek advice her own country,
certain abortions are not allowed in Qatar. Even with an ectopic pregnancy a friend of ours was told it wasn't possible.
She had to go to the UK for the operation.
Before you say something...walk a mile in THEIR moccasins...
"There, but for the Grace of God go I"
Any one of us could find ourselves in a difficult situation, moral dilemma, call it what you will, such as like the one described here but are lucky enough not to have.
Broken Trish - consult private OB/Gynec specialist and discuss the problem with. She will advice you on the right path.
well..wish there's more light to her have WE, QL pips provided assistance to them already? ..did we answer her concerns whether they seek help or if it's possible?.. can't help you on this one trish, i don't have that much "going arounds" here....anyway, just be there for your friend, talk her way through this...
[img_assist|nid=12867|title=Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.|desc= |link=none|align=left|width=44|height=180]
no matter how cautious we can be or no matter what protection methods we follow. These things happened and only god knows why, from what is she saying here ... she decided already and got her husband support [I Guess] with this issue. That is why she is asking, where to have an abortion and did not say: Should I keep it or not?
In the end it is up to her, don't know what are her issues or the circumstances that makes her or make them decide on this matter this way. Wish if i can help, but never been through such a situation before to know exactly what to do.
but contraception sometimes just doesn't work. I cousin was using something and they STILL got pregnant..luckily they were in a financial position to raise a child and still do alright. Again...we still don't know the whole story but then again we don't NEED to know the whole story..its their lives, their decision..
I DO wonder where hubby comes into this though..if at all possible he should be there with her to support her in whatever happens..he was there in the beginning, obviously!
i will not suggest anything here...but what i'm saying from the beginning is talk about it with the husband...i mean from the "time you were doing it" weren't you thinking the possibilities? and if you are saying that the couple doesn't want it yet (having kids at the moment), how come they did not use any protection to avoid this from happening? just my thought, and now you are making the trouble of trying to have it (excuse me for referring it as such) removed?..just my thought...
[img_assist|nid=12867|title=Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.|desc= |link=none|align=left|width=44|height=180]
YOu jumped to the conclusion.."What is the harm in having a baby anyway?"...I'd say HARM isn't quite a good word for that, but obviously you've never had children and been totally responsible for them. Its extermely time consuming, expensive and can really stress a marriage...especially if the marriage isn't a strong one to begin with. Even in the best of situations, raising a child can be stressful.
Now..for everyone else who is up in arms about the issue at hand...not one of you knows the entire story behind this. Not her situation, not her health, whether she's abused or not, etc...I know its difficult to put yourself in someone else's shoes when you are dead set against abortion, but stop judging someone for what might have to do to make it in this world. The decision, whether to have an abortion or not is not one that is simply easy..I'm sure this woman has been anguishing over this since she found out she was pregnant. Have a bit of compassion and hold your judgement. We are not the ones that can pass judgement anyway..that's between her and her beliefs. We should be helping her(maybe in just moral support, not in her decision, but that she needs help), not criticizing her.
Trish asked for help..please, offer whatever knowledge you have on the subject and help her with what her friend requested. Its her decision, right or wrong.
ABortion is illegal in Qatar except in the rares of circumstances.
But some gynaecs here do this on the sly. You just need to snoop around and you will see.
What is the harm in having a baby anyway?
Think twice before you jump into any conclusion.
khanaq, read the thread, it says she can't leave the country.
Best advice is to go see her doctor and take his advice, I'm sure he knows more.
if the hospitals here can go with such a thing. I don't think that it would be that easy, the husband have to come and both should find a solution to it. Why would he leave his wife alone here deal with it while he is away there just watching?
I'm sorry but tell that to your friend and let her realize something, that was not her fault, that is not her problem alone. He is holding part of the responsibility being her husband, not unless this child got a different father.
Let's say that the hospital will accept that and everything went fine, would not they make some tests for checking out? What would happen if the results came negative, this baby is not those two child ... then who is his father? Guess that she would be in big trouble ...
I think that would have been my first port of call, either that or the British Embassy.
call any hospital annonimously and ask..
this way she wont expose her, and will get an idea aswell.
yah, why not go out of the country on weekends and search in other country....her company will not ask if she will tell them i just want to get away of Doha only for a weekend. They will not ask anymore what is the purpose of her trip. And the husband should help her, anyway its not her problem alone.....and she is the wife who needs the husband more than ever. he needs to give her moral support and emotional support, dont u think so?
Why doesn't she go to dubai over the weekend and get it done.
I can avoid the whole "is abortion right or wrong" debate that surfaces on here from time to time but I cannot just sit here while a woman actually discussing trying to kill her friend's baby. I'm done now.
Whoops! Shouldn't listen to Jauntie. :)
i dont know also now how to deal with her, just that they are inquiring where and if possible to have it done here. She and the husband have their own reasons that they are not as well telling me, and jauntie is kind of accurate that we are asking question here trying to setting aside moral issues.
Pwb78 and Swissgirl the question is not whether or not abortion is moral but whether she can get one here. I'm sure your sermonizing would be appreciated elsewhere, but how's about we just answer her question here.
"I fight with love and I laugh with rage, you have to live light enough to see the humor and long enough to see some change." Ani Difranco
and wrong thread, sorry!
wht kind of a person iz ur friend.
having a baby iz so facinating and she iz trying to kill the unborn just for job and money.. crappppp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's easy contact Hamad Medical Corporation, they are the people who can guide you better.
a simple question .... are u new in here or logged in with a new ID r u in need of help?
If you can't change your fate, change your attitude.
"no miscarriage YET, but she is taking something that might cause her one" ???
Is your friend smoking crack? What the hell is she thinking trying to cause a miscarriage for herself. She's not thinking about her own body much less that baby. IT is not an IT and she needs to slow down. The pain and mental anguish of this will not go away once IT is gone.
Broken_Trish – why should she tell her employer about it? She wants to go for personal reason, can she take some holidays?
Wooow nooo, inducing miscarriage not a good idea me thinks!!
I don't think we are here to be judgemental - a straight question was asked, people are trying to answer THAT questions, not the moral issue.
I laughed for a while reading about the topic itself - not for the problem but the way it is pressented here.
Dont you all think Hubby should come here and sort the matter out. That way things will be easy for both of them. I hope he still loves her and can surely spend few Riyals/Dollars to get his wify out of her preg..
And I do not understand why isn't wify darling telling her hubby.. Just incase she is not able to abort.. (the probability of which is gr8 due to the number of months she is preg.) and hubby is given a bundle of joy after 5 months from now.. how is he gonna look at the whole thing.
For 120 days you do not tell ur hubby is something...
""They walk among us !! And they reproduce""
Why everyone here exept pwb78 is talking about abortion as it is a good and normal thing?I agree with pwb78,she should work that hard for her unborn baby now and give him a chance for a good life and not make him to a victim of circumstances.Trish you should be a real friend for her and help her in a good way now.Everything is possible,but she has to try it.
*Create your own destiny,fighting against your dark sides,raise your
spirituality.Every day is a new day.A new life.
Keep the faith!*
no miscarriage YET, but she is taking something that might cause her one
as far as what i know, they mutually agreed on removing it, and they are asking if possible here if not, my friend might go out of the country but is worried how to inform her company of her situation
Broken_Trish – how does her husband feel about this situation?
You need her husband's used plane ticket or boarding pass, to prove that he was here when she got pregnant.. that's not hard at all especially if she is less than a month pregnant, that means he just left. If he threw it away already just get the date and flight number, authorities should be able to check if her husband arrived/departed on that flight. If the baby is hers and her husband there shouldn't be a problem going to the hospital and inquiring about terminating pregnancy.. especially on the first trimester..
I was just re-reading as well -
"She worked hard to get that contract with the company and she does not want to give it up that easy or lose it."
That's how your friend should feel about that baby. Please advise your friend not to make a hasty decision because this was a surprise and is proving a bit challenging. When I got pregnant with my first, I had a crap job with no maternity leave and my husband had no job. But it worked out for us and it will for your friend.
i think the husband can come back to Qatar anytime for a visit since if he is a British, no need for a visa just pay for a hundred riyals at the airport. another point, they dont do abortion in Qatar only if its life threatening or u had an accident or the baby in your womb is already dead. the best thing to be safe is to tell the husband about her condition and agreed to abort it and go to another country where she can have an abortion legally. one of the countries i think is legal for abortion is Egypt.
"And what if, for instance she might have miscarriage and taken to a hospital, will the hospital inform authorities that she got pregnant without the husband here? What will be the implications?"
But he WAS here!!!! Wasn't he?
That story is very unclear. This is not a job or something you are talking about it is the life of a child.
What is the story with the miscarriage, if she has a marriage certficate there will be no problems if there is not she will go to jail and will be deported plain and simple if she is not sentenced to do time.
Unfortunately I have to leave now but clear the story first and if I were you I would not let anyone help herto have a miscarriage this could be fatal.
husband WAS on a visit visa, but I have assumed that was for 2 weeks ...
If she's married and all there is defintely nothing illegal about her going to Doha Clinic and asking for advice from a doctor.
"I fight with love and I laugh with rage, you have to live light enough to see the humor and long enough to see some change." Ani Difranco
thank you for your comments, i will see if she can wait until sunday. She has to because she had no other option, but it is really appreciated here. Thank you all for replying to this problem, all of you are really nice and I don't know how to thank you.
he is listed as a passenger on an airline and would have had a visitor's visa - why say 'supposing she can't prove he was here' - all sounds a bit odd .....
However, like someone said, if it IS possible to have the pregnancy terminated they would most probably want the husband's agreement also.
British Embassy may have some information.
u mean to say she is 2 week overdue for her period ?
If you can't change your fate, change your attitude.
If your friend has a marriage certificate no one will question why her husband in currently not in the country. Husbands go out of town all the time. She will be able to receive care as a married, pregnant woman. No problem. (I am talking about pre-natal care, not abortion care)
She is been pregnant for less than a month, I can say 2 weeks. Boo, if she is less than that to where can she go to ask for help or any medical recommendations?
I can't imagine that this sort of thing isn't a common occurence here, or young ladies from the phillipines or other countries showing up and realizing hubby left them preggers.
"I fight with love and I laugh with rage, you have to live light enough to see the humor and long enough to see some change." Ani Difranco
As far as I know she has to have the husbands permission and I am not so sure if they will do it that easily. Check it out with a doctor and a lawyer before you let her do anything that is against the law.
In any case if she has a contract here they will not sack here because she is having a baby that is against the law. However, get leagal and knowlegeable advice before starting on such an adventure. Ig you can wait until Sunday when I am back at work I will check it out for you.
Most countries in the world that allow abortion only allow it in the 1st trimester, here is no different.
"I fight with love and I laugh with rage, you have to live light enough to see the humor and long enough to see some change." Ani Difranco
Its ok in islam only upto a certain time, after that it would be considered killing a life.
The problem here is nothing was planned as she told me earlier. I have to ask her to see if it is possible to get her husband here Owen, but don't know if she still can. What would happen if he is not here or that she can't proof that he was in a country for a while? Would that be an issue?
i think apple is still in her holidays, will be back by november...we'll try to ask some friends from our group though (and hmmmm, i hope no one will come to me and say/ask "are you supporting this kind of practice?"..:P )
[img_assist|nid=12867|title=Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.|desc= |link=none|align=left|width=44|height=180]
How many single Qatari girls you see wandering around pregnant. It's ok in Islam so it's ok here.
"I fight with love and I laugh with rage, you have to live light enough to see the humor and long enough to see some change." Ani Difranco
I agree with swissgirl..
Ramadan kareem.
If your friend isn't registered with a Doctor here, then get her to go to an American or English doctor and discuss it with them.
We have a med student on QL and an Indian Surgeon (but unfortunately he's on hols at present).
Anyone know if Apple (our med admin friend) is around? Owen?
P.S. I thought termination had to be before 3 months.
I don't really see what the problem is? She is a married woman and she's pregnant. She will be able to receive care here and many, many mothers also have careers. They do offer maternity leave here and after that, nursery's take babies as young as 2 months. This is a blessing whether she can see if now or not. Best of luck to your friend.
Sorry but how selfish must someone be to kill a unborn life just for a job or money?Cant understand it.The day will come when she will regret this desicion.But anyway,its her life.All the best for her.
*Create your own destiny,fighting against your dark sides,raise your
spirituality.Every day is a new day.A new life.
Keep the faith!*
I think its legal under certain circumstances. what are they?..Dunno.
Does anyone here know someone who had that sort of operation here? I just need to confirm this and be sure of it. Don't want to tell her it is possible, then put her in trouble later like getting deported or having issues with the authority.
so people if you are saying this is legal here? it means they can do that in a hospital? hmmmmm broken_trish, you really are caught in a situation there huh? your husband can't come again for another visit visa to accompany your friend if ever...
[img_assist|nid=12867|title=Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.|desc= |link=none|align=left|width=44|height=180]
Abortion legal in Qatar ... humm are you sure people?
Yea Gypsy is probably right, and for that 4 months thing, its either 4 months of 40 days, i'm not sure.
thank you for the reply guys so far, but i'm confused now. Is it allowed or not? If it is then can anyone please give me some information about some clinics or hospitals that can do that? or any person that I can contact for this issue? She is really so worried and don't know what is the right thing to do :(
She is been pregnat for only weeks, not even a month.
I didnt know tat.....thx for ur info...but r u 100 % sure?
Ramadan kareem.
Since she's married and can prove it she should be able to get an abortion here no problem.
"I fight with love and I laugh with rage, you have to live light enough to see the humor and long enough to see some change." Ani Difranco
i dont think abortion is done in qatar.moreover there are no over the counter drugs and no doctor will prescribe anything 4 her. 4months?? dont u think she waited too long for the pregnancy to mature? if it where in her earlier days she could have had someone from abroad send her something to abort the pregnacy. Anyway best of luck to her.
In islam abortions are allowed if ur under 4 months pregnant, so i'm saying it from an islamic point of view, this being an islamic country and all.
abortion?? kind,be gud hearted....nver do sumthing like tat....its like killing the baby....anyways..abortions r not allowed in qatar.
Ramadan kareem.
if she's under four months pregnant then i think they'll allow her to get an abortion. But i dont know you'll have to fone and as a clinic or somthing.