A must try!

Please try this link : http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=ikgrdNg4n_2bthPhOkrC4N_2bw_3d_3d
Thanks in advance.
Please try this link : http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=ikgrdNg4n_2bthPhOkrC4N_2bw_3d_3d
Thanks in advance.
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Its done..
corleone, trust me it's not easy.
The information i'll gather should produce about a 50 page document......i think thats kinda challenging. Then again i have been studying for about 1.5 yrs and this is the last bit of it.
Thanks Guys!
interesting survey. is it this easy to get an MBA nowadays?
Please send me the results and good luck with the MBA!
I know all about viruses and how they are transmitted so never felt worried.
Did you Google it first?
you're welcome...
Thanks Jamille!
People like you will ensure that i don't fail my MBA
I am doing it for myself....for final dissertation.
Trust me it's not a virus
It only takes about 2 minutes to complete it. Please try.
Once i finish i will present the report to those who'll like to get it.
Now can you tell us who you are doing the survey for?
Did you Google it first?
just did...