Moving form UK to Doha!!!! Is this a good idea???????????

Hey, I will really appreciate any advice on living and working in Doha. I am currently working in London and just went for interview today for a teaching post in Doha. It all sounded very exciting however I got back home and decided to read some the posts sent by various people on this site and I'm not sure what to make of it.
1)I was offered about 13 000 + free accomodation together with utility bill paid,flights and medical insurance, is this a reasonable amount for a single person, is that the going rate for teachers out there?
2)There were also a few posts on racism, I do believe this exists all over the world however is it as bad as some of you say it is?
Is moving to Doha a good idea?????????????????????
Depends on why you want to move. how was the move? are you happy you made the decision?
As I have fairly recently arrived from the UK I can assure you that the 13000QR per month is plenty especially if you are single and don't have financial commitments in the UK. Apart from accomodation I have found everything to be cheaper or at worst the same price as in the UK.
We find that for a family of 5 our shopping is about 30 % less than in the UK. Restaurants and cafes are cheaper. However if you insist on buying the same brands as in the UK the saving will not be as good, for example NEXT here is a complete rip off, just seen a skirt in there which I bought in the UK sale for 6 pounds and they are asking 155 QR, more than 20 pounds. Car insurance cheaper, petrol much much cheaper. ( 28QR for a full tank on a medium size car) This is important as you will need a car.
So for me financially there is no competition. However the lifestyle is different and that is the area where I would focus my research. This is a very personal topic to each person. For my family and I it has been the best thing even if there are fraustrations with beaurocracy. You also need to allow yourself time to adjust.
It's not just a job, it's an adventure! Follow your heart. Even if you make the "wrong" decision, it isn't for life. You can always move on if you don't love us. When my husband and I moved to the Middle East we decided we could do ANYTHING for a year (short of holding our breath.) That was seven years ago. I truly believe we are here for a purpose. When I'm back in the US I bore people endlessly about the wonders and delights of the Arab world. They have no idea! I'm a one-woman bandwagon and tireless educator when it comes to correcting the misinformation most Americans have. And while I'm on the subject of cliches, "you only regret the things in life you didn't do." Climbing off my soapbox now...
PS My husband is in education.
post your questions under the "QUESTION" tab, please...
Hi there, I have an interview this Monday on the 29th for a teaching position in Qatar. I'm really nervous cuz I really dont know what to expect or the sallary they will offer me,,, I wanted to know however, what school you were offered a job at, who knows maybe its the same school where im applying at....
But it takes it to the max here, it's unbelievable good luck !!! :)
oh dear! lol.
looking forward to it anyway..
gay, greasy and sleazy?.. sounds alot like my local bar after about 9pm..ha
I saw ur message, actually it is good and i did the same before few months, actually i also came from UK to Qatar for the following reasons
1.Here you will not find any tax but in uk u have to pay tax as you earn
2.Living cost is little low but there is no big diffrence in accomadation
3.Qatar is very safe place and you will not find robs and theifs
4.Very small country i maen total area approximatle 6600 sq km and u will get all as u want
5.Salary is also good and specially your job will be more good beacuse no hardwork like uk
Well come to doha
Consider urself lucky lol. Teachers here get not more than 6000 riyals and they
live with their families. For a single you will live like a king with 13,000.
Trust me people from west are treated like gods here, its only the poor people
from the asian countries that dont get their rights or face racism.
It's always the small things that make big differences.
"Prepare to stay that way" well there is a shortage of eligible straight men here hopefully there may be some single male teachers or they may have friends but on the whole unless you like em greasy and sleazy, Doha is not the best place for a single female, thats not to say that you won't like it here or that you won't make loads of friends and enjoy it even love it here.
Incidentally if you are a gay man thinking of coming here, you will not find a more gay place outside of Soha and Sydney gay pride. I have it on good authority that Gayday, gets more hits here than anywhere else in the region.
Just don't tell anyone.
Put it this way, visit check it out try and get better wages they aint great come and enjoy the place. I will be honest right now I am very happy, I ignore the bad bits and emphasize the positives.
Good luck
I can't believe you are finally arriving. Seems like you've been working on this forever. Have a safe flight and welcome!
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
Well I will be able to give you some honest first impressions as of this coming tuesday.
I land at 06:05.
I thought were a wind up at first.
Look at my name!!!!
Do you think we are related?
Call me Maninibat!
I think what's he saying is we've got quantity here, not quality...excluding all the lovely men here on QL of course. :)
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
prepare to stay that way?? Why??
concerned at the "about 13,000" per month. They must know the salary!
Get everything in a written offer before you agree to anything.
As someone else said, it depends on which school it is.
I have heard of teachers being contracted from the start of the first term to the end of the last term and not being paid for the long Summer holiday.
aCTUALLY Qatar gives great care and all the appreciation to the foreigners more than the citizens themselves,, welcome to Doha in advance...
Why, so many mistakes in the language? Just an obser.....dont't take this wrong!!!!
If the salary quoted to you is per month, year round, even during summer vacation, then it is a "normal" salary. Also, the hours worked should be 7am to 1pm for that salary. Generally the accomodations for teachers provided by the school are adequate, but not large, new, or flashy.
The international experience and the chance to change your pace is nice. The students, if a British based international school, are delightful, and the school will be private. Being a private school has advantages when it comes to disipline. Generally the international student is not as distracted or surly as the student in the UK or US, according to my close associate who is a teacher with many years of teaching here and elsewhere.
The disadvantage for a UK teacher is the rapid increase of living expenses. Even if your accomodations are furnished, you will find the price of food and such high. The biggest complaint now is that the pay is in Riyals, which when converted to the pound, are losing value.
But is in line with Teachers pay here.
If accomodation is offered ask to see pictures, or even come out and see it, I have heard horror stories about Teachers provided accomodation.
Think LONG AND HARD about what you are about to do, are you a single female if so prepare to stay that way, single male mmmmmm you could do OK but be prepared to cast the net a bit wider than back at home.
Good luck but check your housing !!
Which school or university will you be teaching? So far most European teachers here are enjoying themselves. Considering your single, the salary you mentioned is enough for you. Some few that i have meet have bad experiences and decided to left back home even they are well paid. You need to be here and figure it out by yourself. Take a chance you got nothing to loss. One thing you have to be patient enough if you start driving around doha city (lol). Its not about traffic rather reckless drivers are evident.
Basically here its like a collision of different cultures. Im Asian but im exposed meeting with european people here than arabics coz its easy to communicate but somehow i learned to speak arabic as well. Its not difficult for you here im sure considering your holding a british passport its primarily higher status. One more thing, there is an exclusive clubs for "english people here" just in case your home sick (lol).
2 of my good friends here are teachers and enjoying a good life so far.
If ever you make a choice, make it Life.
if you want more infos hit me up.
i guess its a good i dea if your not earning well in London. Its an adventure to be here.
cheers mate!!!!!!!
Hey there.. I'm in the same boat as you. Judging by how friendly and helpful evryone on QL has been, Qatar certainly can't be the worst
U Cant change ME and dONt EVen TrY