Married with Qatari

Dear friends,
My friend has a Qatari boyfriend and they want to get married. But it seem to have a lot of problems on the process. It takes very long time for approval and get many rejections. Not so sure what is the reason of this. Please help.
Is it possible for them to get married somewhere else outside Qatar? Which country will be the best?
Is there any other way to get the approval in a very short time?
And if they can't get the appoval what shall they do to get married?
Thank you very much for all of your help.
Did your friend ever receive a response to her marriage application?
the marriage with qatari its very difficult the law want to protect the womens qataria her there is a lot of still not maried...
A lot of people say that if two people love each other then let them be, but realistically speaking, the children are the ones who will pay the price later on. I've seen and known a lot of cases. One lady I knew married a local guy, she was Jordanian - I think, she got a baby boy and until he was 6 years old she didn't get the marriage approval. The boy couldn't travel so the mother was stuck in the country.
I prefer not mixing and matching - ..
actually just 1 year ago a non-qatari guy i know of very well, got married to a qatari female, but her family was supportive and helped arrange the approval.
maybe thats before 10 years back..
For qatari guy to get approval to non-qatari woman is not that difficult. I have many qatari frends who are married to non-qatari women.
they can married to her country but the problem is about here, if they will have the baby inshaallah how they will do it..rejection is normal there is some iscreening for locals, 1.about 35 yrs old 2, already merried or devorce..... my friend took only 2 months they approved his paper but with the help of the family... and she need to become a muslim to make it easy.....
its not easy ,you have to send your aplication to merriege commity,then they send it to interior,from thier if you have any chance they will call you.and also it depends on your nationality.if your arabs many is easier but asian or western its very hard....and also if the man is young and you'll be the first wife maybe they will reject his aplication....and they will call also the family if they will not agree,big can pm me for more imfo...
my God how did that get picked up again?
wonder what the status is
Its not worth the trouble, to many differences, hard to make it work, especialy if he was married b4. believe me too many problems.
please help
we are still waiting for the marriage approval whats the idea you can give us??
In Oman, I have friends who are married to Omani. they got married in Philippines and they forwarded their application for approval to their government Offices and it takes years before it get approves. Some of my friend got approved after 5 years and some are after 10 years they said. According to them, if the papers are submitted then, the Sultan will pick, like a 100 married certificate to approve in every 5 years. My friends did had a hard time with their husband's family before they got accepted as one of the member of the family!
It's great to be loved!
I was married to a National, once and not twice, LOL! Call me I will give you an idea.
I am married to a National, once and not twice, LOL! Call me I will give you an idea.
I am keen on gng to las vegas too....
I was just curious if they ever approved them for marriage?
My friend is married to a Qatari, but she is from Jordan... she had to get approved as well... they were lucky they got it quite fast... it all depends like I said on the people you know in this country..
Hope it all works out for the best...
She doesn't mind too much about citizenship.
As long as they get the marriage approval.
the govt may approve the marriage but that doesnt mean she will be given citizenship here.
I am jasskat, and it will not matter if it is his forst of second marriage.
It all depends on who the guy is, and where the girl is from. I hate to say this, but if they got rejected there is really nothing anyone can do unless the guys father can go and talk to the department and he has some influence within the department. It is easier if his family is helping out with the application.
tra la la
I would like to know who is Jass-Kat.
How can contact her?
By the way my friend is from S/E Asia. And her boyfriend ever married once and seperated.
Is it true that if he married the 2nd time, the process will be faster and easier?
I take it your friend is British? If so it's unlikely they'll ever accept her. And as everyone else said if they marry somewhere else they still have to face the music when they get back.
If he really loves her i guess they'll have to move somewhere else for good and cut off his family but not a very good start to married life.
I have known of a few East/West marriages and none have worked out.
Sorry I can't be more positive.
I sent you a PM...
tra la la
The hardest part is how children were treated and how they never felt they fit in or they didn't know their identity, its really hard on the children. It was OK for me if the family didn't like me but the kids should not have to pay for it, their life was made miserable because of me and you marry a tribe not a person. Not until we lost a child did I realize this everyone made it their business when to me it was personal. I would tell any young lady considering marrying a Qatari
to seek out women who are married to one and get advice.
Oh and as for going somewhere else to get married, they can do that but eventually they have to come back here and face the problems they left behind so better just solve them before starting a new chapter in their lives.
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong :P - Garfield
its the best no one can do any thing in uk no one!!!!
I know it's thread hijack, but speaking of Las Vegas...I wana go there just to see those showgirls! lol
on a more serious note, I hate it when families get involved in the marriage affairs, I mean if they make eachother happy then let them be. It's pretty silly to stop two people from spending the rest of their lives together just of colour, race or social status.
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong :P - Garfield
go to uk
I prefer Sri Lanka or burma or Bhutan :D
Most Arabs will not marry a non-Arab for they know the consequences it will cause to their family.
“We can never judge the lives of others, because each person knows only their own pain and renunciation. It's one thing to feel that you are on the right path, but it's another to think that yours is the only path.” - Paulo Coelho
easy for people to tie the knot and for divorce too..
“We can never judge the lives of others, because each person knows only their own pain and renunciation. It's one thing to feel that you are on the right path, but it's another to think that yours is the only path.” - Paulo Coelho
YAY 4 Las Vegas...:)
You can't teach experience...
“We can never judge the lives of others, because each person knows only their own pain and renunciation. It's one thing to feel that you are on the right path, but it's another to think that yours is the only path.” - Paulo Coelho
this situation is so difficult, the guy can be disinherited also from his family am I right?
“We can never judge the lives of others, because each person knows only their own pain and renunciation. It's one thing to feel that you are on the right path, but it's another to think that yours is the only path.” - Paulo Coelho
Las Vegas Nevada, USA
“We can never judge the lives of others, because each person knows only their own pain and renunciation. It's one thing to feel that you are on the right path, but it's another to think that yours is the only path.” - Paulo Coelho