Marriage certificate

We are indian couple. Our marriage was held before 2 years in India. But at that time we didn't register that. So we don't have marriage certificate. But we got marriage affidavit through one lawyer. Now we want to apply for marraiage certificate through our embassy. Is it possible? What are the documents needed? Can any body help to me to proceed? Thank you very much.
Sorry i'm deleting my wrong post
In my case, I applied and took Marriage Certificate from Sub-Registrar Office at Bangalore [after nearly 8 years later] by producing our marriage invitation card backed by photos and 2 witnesses. I suppose it should be issued at appropriate Village/Taluk/Town/City where your marriage was actually performed. To my knowledge Indian Embassy might hardly attest the Certificate, but does not issue. If the marriage takes place in this country, then Indian Embassy will have to issue Certificate.
Anyway wishing you all the best for you couple,
Dear Friend,
I don't think embassy will help you in this matter.
This certificate is issued by taluka sub register at your native
somebody at your native may try at sub register office by "some other means"(you know......) and can get it. Or else both of you have to present at register office with your wedding invitation card.
The best one who is going to help u is the embassy itself .. better to go there and meet someone in charge in person and he will give u all the information ... wish if i can help ya
"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)
What I know is you have to get the marriage certificate from district collector, place of marriage.
I am doubtful that affidavit will do for you,
good luck