Luxury cars are easy to buy in Qatar

Gas is a commodity Qatar possesses in abundance. One of the greatest perks of living in Qatar is cheap petrol for cars. No wonder one sees luxury cars everywhere in Qatar, roaming around the land in all their splendor and beauty.
We all have that one dream car (or two) which we covet for. Some of us take the desire to the next level, and instead of locking it away as a future plan, save or apply for a car loan. With many loan schemes, the possibility of attaining expensive cars in Qatar is very real.
Another factor that comes in play while choosing a luxury car or an expensive sturdy vehicle is its insurance facility. In the untoward case of an accident, cars with insurance have the added advantage of being taken care of by official companies. There is no chance of bickering among affected parties; everything is taken care of professionally. In the absence of this facility, fights erupt easily which more than often lead to violence. Insured cars add peace of mind, hence the higher probability of buying a more expensive car is rampant in Qatar.
What is your dream car? And how do you plan to attain it? There are plenty of options to choose from when you are considering this.
Start putting away money every month for the dream car you have been eyeing for a while. Check out loan schemes from banks and find the one most suitable to your plans. Find a host of affordable cars many expats are selling here, and turn your dream into a reality.
Cover picture by Dennis Salas
Buy Nissan TIIDA, Corolla, Camry.. :)
This is a good time to buy a nice car and have fun
Yes, buying a luxury car is easy ... In fact its too easy for many ..
I bought a "luxury" car a few years ago and then had to leave in a hurry. I lost 56000 QR in one year.
That is my experience. Luxury cars are easy to buy, but expensive to run, depreciate very quickly and can take time to resell.
As for luxury sports cars - they're great to own, but the traffic congestion and speed limits mean that you don't really enjoy them. Try driving a two seater around a roundabout with an LC on either side and you're in their blind spot.
Lastly, if i can afford to buy a luxury car, then to be honest, i'm not really worried about the cost of petrol.
Having said all that, I did enjoy my time with my car - So, by all means fulfill your dreams , but go in with your eyes wide open.