Lost Job.

Hi All,
I lost my job, and have to go to my country (lil urgent),
I have a car loan and personal loan. Have full intention of paying every riyal to them and am sure of getting job offers. but for now i want to leave the country.
can i find a guarantor for these loans until my return? if yes what are qualification for a guarantor.
please share your ideas, what are the best options... am gonna talk to bank about this. just want to take an idea from you guys before that...
Thank you all.
Thank for your comments... i was just trying get info and options before i approach the bank.... and most of you thought i am asking someone to be a guarantor.
and if brit wana leave in near future, sure he will get many on ql ;b
I'll be his.. Will you be mine :P
The guarantor can then get another guarantor if he wants to leave the country ..
Actually u can leave the country if there is a guarantor.
However, the guarantor will be banned from leaving the country. and if u did not come back he will be the one in trouble.
So unfortunately, i don't think that even a friend would do u that favor how about a stranger???
as the ppl says, get rid of the Car.
as for the personal loan, it's always negotiable with the bank specially when u r kicked out.
before leaving the country, do you have NOC??? cuz if u don't u gonne be banend for the next 2 years from entering the borders of Qatar.
If you do have, find a job first before you leave.
transfer ur sponsorship to the new employer and then go on ur trip.
if you are unable to pay off your loans and unable to get NOC. You better go to Human rights.
I believe they MIGHT have solution
Just find another job ASAP
They won't let you leave country with outstanding debts
hey Lucky..
What car have you got.. Let me know if you have a plan to sell your car... anytime..! cheers..
Dont ever try to give a guarantor, dont put others in to trouble, instead talk to your bank and negotiate something with them.
I am advising you since I did the same process.
sell your car and i certainly believe that you've gain some good old friends...if they are truly good then they'll serve as your guarantor other wise they are your best friends for they'll wait til u come back and help u start over again...break a leg!!!
Cars can be bought anytime. So , the best option is to sell the car and pay off the loan.
As far as the personal loan is concerned, try and find family/or friend who will lend you the money and pay that off also.
Goodluck! Hope you'll be able to find a helping hand...
if you can not pay now; there will be a travel ban imposedd to you so you won't be able to board the plane
no more HERO TODAY!
dont u think it sounds bit strange and wierd, well why dont u sell it and pay the bank before u leave, since u hve hopes of gettting job again u can buy another once u return back.
Do you really think a stranger will accept to be an guarantor.. its gonna be a person whom i know and who trusts me. and i dont want him to may my loan either.
what guaranty u will give to the guarantor, the car or what...?
So you want a stranger to pay off your loans???Eeerrr I'm out....