locked iphone via itunes

By prooooot.prooooot •
I accidentally locked my iphone 3G, 8GB 3.0 while upgrading to 3.1 via itunes.
Other said that software to re-unlock it is still not available.
Some internet ads offer unlocking software. Is there any body there who already bought and use
iphone unlocking software from internet ads that proved effective to unlock and jailbreak even those 3.1 relocked via itunes.
any comments, suggestions, help? thanks!
Unlock and Jail break your ipod or Iphone 2G 3G & 3GS with latest 3.1.2 & 3.1.3 firmware to make use of your ipone to the max....
***Now you can use skype video call on your Iphone / ipod 2G 3G & 3GS too....
*** Now you can send Multi Media Mesasges(MMS) with iphone.
***Ringtone maker for iphone is available right now....(turn your most favorite mp3 in to your iphone ring tone & more......)
***Now you can use any sim upon unlocking
Just call Sam on 5505867
It takes only 10 mins for you to unlock & jailbreak your phone to make it worthwile for a lifetime.
Also undertake to install & maintain Virus protection & other software you need, with personal visits or through remote assitance.
For any software installation & maintenance.
Yes, Anwarpp is 100% true and correct... Please read carefully so nobody get confuse at the end:
Having version5.11 of modem firmware is impossible to unlock for the momment. It will take long, long, long time before software will come to unlock this baseband.
For Camelme>>
if your iphone is jailbroken and unlocked with 3.1.2, then you must check 4 things:
1. Check if you have Cydia or Icy
2. Check if which baseband you currently use
3. Check if you had turbo sim
If you can place a call (incoming and outgoing call)and your 3G or 3GS have Cydia or Icy and the baseband or modemfrimware id 5.11.07, then you may contact me or just PM me so I can give you a bunch of my customer who needs your help. Doesn't matter if it is 3.1 or 3.1.2 or even 3.0.1 or 3.0. People needs that it will work (means unlock).
However, If you are trying to say that it works from you but you cant tell if which baseband you are currently use, then check the 4 and foremost:
4. Check if which Generation your iPhone. Is it 3G or 3GS? If so, then just PM me and I will give you the customers like what I said. BUT......
If your iPhone is just 2G, then YES, you can do jailbreak/unlock it again. The reason is very simple: "Your baseband or modem version are still and it will remain 04.05.04
For Those who read this blog: PM me if you find difficulties for the above subject!!!
@camelme - What you are claiming is technically impossible (at this time). If you upgraded with a standard ipsw from Apple via iTunes, you will lose your soft unlock. The only possibility is that your upgrade never really happened (or completed), OR you had a factory unlocked iPhone to start with.
And for proof, you only have to look at the same link you posted, namely :
and look under the sub-heading "~SiNfuL iPhone Custom IPSW #4~", where it says:
"Also keep in mind that if you already updated your baseband to 05.11.07 then you will not be able to unlock your phone. You will only be able to unlock your phone using ultrasn0w if your baseband is still at 04.26.08"
Advise of something impossible is much worse !
I accidentally upgraded to 3.1 from 3.0 and did the above to unlock it and my i-phone is now working and unlocked at 3.1.2.
If your iPhone is already locked up, and you can't use it for anything what have you got to lose ---- Zip.
Advice like get a new phone or wait does not help your situation.
The steps "camelme" described are applicable only if you had NEVER accidentally upgraded it to 3.1. Once you have upgraded, you are sort of stuck.
One can always do a planned upgrade to 3.1 or later with "custom ipsw" files. Once upgraded with a regular (non-custom) ipsw file via iTunes, you are in for some wait.
I had the same problem only two days after purchasing, I went to the shop and forced him to give me another one because He did not warn me not to upgrade it :)
I told him I'll take him to the police:) it worked for me.
Try it
If you have a phone that is NOT factory unlocked, and you have done an upgrade to the Apple original 3.1 or later, you cannot unlock now (until the hackers figure out a new way of doing it). Specifically, if your modem firmware (Settings -> General -> About -> Modem firmware) says it is ABOVE "04.26.08" (something like 05.11.07), then no software unlock is possible now. You may be able to jailbreak it, but no unlock. The bug that allowed the unlock in "04.26.08" has been fixed in "05.11.07", and even if you reinstalled the "3.0 ipsw" file, the modem firmware remains at "05.11.07" and the phone remains locked (regardless of whether you are able to jailbreak it or not).
Basically, you have to wait till the hackers come out with something (you can see their progress at http://blog.iphone-dev.org/), or there *may* be hardware unlock solutions. If you are in a hurry, getting another one is a real scenario for you :(
It is not hard to do and I did a similar thing last week. You will need to download a ipsw file and then go into recovery DFU, which you should know how to do if you have jailbroken and unlocked the phone before. Reinstall 3.0 and then unlock and jailbreak.
I then upgraded to 3.1.2.... its easy and it worked. I downloaded the custom ipsw files for the iPhone 3.1.2 upgrade from this website. This person has all upgraded custom ipsw files for all iPhone models.
but I did so after taking advice from the people who developed the unlock for the iPhone from their blog.
My iphone is unlocked and on the current version of software.
hmmmm,better buy a new one!