A local call saying that you won QAR. 200,000

Dear QL members,
One of my colleague recieved a call early morning say around 7.00 am yesterday saying that he won QAR 200,000/- on behalf of QTEL. The caller was communicating in hindi language, my friend tried to speak up in english but still the person continued to talk in hindi and my friend was poor in hindi. So he told him that he will get back to him.
At 8 when i came for work my friend told me the surprise call, but i told him to wait, have patience, let me talk to the person since i knew and read in Gulf times about many fraud atempts in Qatar by taking the Prestigious name of QTEL.
He showed me the number..It was a 7 digit local Qtels mobile number starting with the number 5. I was shocked and immediately dialed the number from his mobile. The person answered, i din't tell him my identity that i am the friend of the lucky winner and he started conversation in Hindi and myself too i replied in hindi. He told me QTEL expressed their hearty congratulation to the winner of QAR 2 Lakhs and in order to collect the money i have to tell my Qatar Id card number or Passport number and then later i will have to produce these documents at Qatar National Bank at Souq to collect the reward through Bank. I knew this was a fraud attempt at the start itself, so from the beginning itself i reacted in a way that he should feel that i'm a guy who will fall in traps...actually i wanted him to feel in that way so that i can trap this fraud. Hey guys i din't till now i din't reveal my Id no. or passport no. ..i told him that my documents are with my sponsor. He told me to call him as soon as i get those document number and ended the conversation.
I rang 8008000 Qtel Customer Care, an Arab lady took the phone .. i explained her the complete story.. She took the number and told such number does not exist. I was shocked again. She told she will report this matter to the concerned authorities and they will get back to me and took my number too. I told her that this is a very serious issue bcoz today my friend tomorrow mabe another person and this chain will continue and it's Qtel responsibility to put an end to the increasing fraudsters on Qtel's name.
24 hours passed but till now, no response from Qtel. I don't know wheather they have taken up this issue or not coz i din't get a call till now from QTel. I think they must have taken it lightly....whateva
I wanted to share my friends experience with all QL members so that all are aware of this and share this with your friends and relatives so that the information reaches every one.
I got also call from Started with 5 . so iwas asked what to do with that money but he said we have to buy ooredo recharge and I says I don't have an money to buy right now. but still he was ask that how much u have 500 or 1000 so I got his fraudness and I said I don't want. he is asking again again to shall I close your file? I said yes then he hang up :D
Dont worry, Last time, I won a big sum too..... But i told them, i am having a sandwich, I hate when somebody disturbs me when i am eating.. The guy hung up :D
I got a call from Abu Dhabi. They said the same thing, I won 200,000 riyals they confirmed the number on the back of my sim card.
They then asked for my salary a month. I was like hmmm. OKAY! why do they need to know my salary?
It was quite obvious what was going on here. I called Qtel/Oreedoo to enquire, they told me 'unprofessionally' 'HE IS A THIEF HE WILL NEVER GIVE YOU ANY MONEY SO DONT LISTEN TO HIM.'
I asked 'is that it??? aren't you going to contact the police or something?' - he just repeated himself as if I didn't hear him. My thought for the greater good obviously didn't register.
It is obvious it is a scam, and the management at Qtel/Oreedoo, don't seem to give a DAMN!
its happen me to the same thing ,they saying you received 200,000 Qr from q-tel promotion draw congratulation ....and they asking my qatar id number and all i just started to give my id num immideatly i realize it may be fraud and i ask him why you didn't calling from any q-tel number, he use to call me from starting with 92 .. after he told me call me after 10 minute and i didn't make call again i don't know whats they really wanted.
I think Government has to take up this matter seriously. A ver small country like Qatar... increasing fraudster and that too in the name of the prestigious company like QTEL... no action... no awareness campaign against fraudsters.. Poor labours and middlemen are targetted...
I read in the Gulf times .... about a Bangladeshi man being a victim.. poor guy invested his earnings in buying Hala Card and revealing its secret no. to the fraud person.... Even after this incident i don't think any action has taken....
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
"Resident Attention Seeker"
My friend this is a big praud going on here, I recived also a call from different country, & he told me that ur Qtel number win 500,000 Qr,i ask them How, he gave me some number & told me to check in Qtel sim card. i know this number is mention in every qtel number. So then i tell him If i win this Money so why u are giving Miss call, Then he Don,t Answer me. you will receive a lot of mail Or Call What ever so don,t believe On this & don,t gave him all your detail which they required.
I have been receiving numerous sms from Qtel mobile number starting from 5....... saying "please call me back, thank you". Is it some type of scam too?
I have also been receiving calls from local numbers but since I can't understand a word of what is the person saying I just say "Wrong Number" and then Hang Up.
So far no more calls. But my guess is they are trying to scam somebody.
And like Alqatariya said it could be anybody
Just be safe!! And remember
Dear Alqatariya,
I work for Qtel, and we take such issues very seriously.
Please PM with all details you have.
you should have gone to the Capital Police and registered a complaint there.