Learning Support & Intl Main Stream Schools

We have been here for more than a month now and I still cant find a place for my son who is 14 and has Aspergers. He has attended mainstream school with Learning Support in Australia & the UK. Prior to moving here we have been in touch with the Learning Centre and started application late last year. We didnt think it would be a problem but upon coming here we found out that it has a long waiting list. We have also tried enquiring other intenational schools which may provide support for him. He's been out of school since Feb and I am getting extremely worried. Just went to one school today (name withheld) and tried to appeal about allowing us to employ a shadow teacher for him. The Registrar told me she was given strict orders from the Principal that my son has to cope and manage just like the rest of the kids
I have always believe that each child is different and as educators, you should respect one's ability and teach them in a way they can learn. This thing about "you have to be like the normal person or else you will never fit in" mentality is just so backwards. What ever happened to equal chance, flexibility and compassion? I do applaud the measures taken to introduce Special Needs support here although it is very much in its infancy. We were in the Mid East 12 years ago and sad to say it hasnt changed much in terms of valuing special needs in mainstream schools. But hey, anyone out there that can throw us a lifeline here, I would appreciate it very much.We are prepared to employ a shadow teacher to be with him in school if the school allows. Thank you. God Bess.
Hi cleggy1, yes hav applied for Cedars too. Am waiting to hear from them hopefully by this week! Thank you! God bless.
; )
Faith & Love ... the key ingredients in LIFE..
HI I have children at Cedarbridge Tutoring perhaps you could try there [email protected]. Wish you luck Schools are really full here at present
Hi aussiediva , thank you for your kind reply. Yes my 3rd son who also has autism is attending Sunbeam. American School turned us down said they are not able to support his Educational needs. So guess have to keep trying and looking out for a suitable school for my eldest boy. Ta!
Faith & Love ... the key ingredients in LIFE..
have you tried Sunbeam?
just near al saad Stadium.
The American school also has a learning support program - although VERY limited.
good luck