Landlord lease advice

i would like to know what I can do to terminate my lease agreement 4 months earlier as I am quite disturbed with all bachelors staying in my neighborhood, and the landlord has been increasing rent regularly and I have found a house with lower rent and a good location. I asked my landlord n he says to pay for next 4 months n vacate?? Any solutions
Naf, Be friendly with the people when leave any place ................ ..........
Basic - Please check your tenancy contract what is the termination clause. If you have signed without this clause then you can't cancel in the middle unless you prove the landlord that you are leaving Qatar for good and produce visa cancellation copy later.
Just manage out for the rest of the contract period rather than get into an issue with the landlord. During the last month of the contract, make an effort to find an alternate accommodation while serving the landlord a notice. And make sure there are no "bachelors" living in that area where ever you find your new accommodation.
Naf, Have a 2nd meeting with LL at a dinner table, start the talk after he finishes his dinner & begins to eat the sweet dish ........ you will get a relief for 2 months ......... call him once again next week ...... offer one more dinner to get back the 3 months rent ....... try this strategy ......... and revert .........