Kindly Help with your suggestion regarding Problems at my workplace

Dear All,
I am 2 months old in Doha. Presently working in a Educational Institute as Instructor. I am facing a great deal of turbulence in my workplace. There has been a complete change in my job profile, from what was stated to me in India, as well as according to my contract also. Hence there is zero job satisfaction. Every now and then there is a triffle. I am still in my probationary period, and my director is indeed, non accomodating, abusive and impose his self made rules, without considering the situation. Too much of job pressure led me completely physically and mentally exhausted & over stressed. Moreover, healthwise I became too weaker and ill, thus really cant susatain in this cimate.
CAN ANYBODY PLZ HELP ME...HOW CAN I GET RID OF THIS COMPANY? I DONT WANT TO WORK HERE. And want to leave as soon as possible. Please Help me. The will not let me leave. Whom should I aproach for Help?
thanks a lot guys for such wonderful advices. ur support gave me a boost and courage to go against the mental torture of my employer. i am alone here. bt now with all ur advices, i am feeling comfortable. thanks again.
Please note the following easy step for a viable way out:
Visit Hamad Medical Hospital Emergency, with the complaint of heavy job stress. They would call in their Syc. specialist, who would help you with your health, give medicine and at the same time, would call in the labor inspector for submission of your view point/interview, and in your case they would force the employer to get an air ticket for you plus any benefit that you enjoy, within a few days.
This path is commonly used by the workers that do not want to work here due to unsuitable environment and health issues.
Good luck
No one can ride on your back unless it is bent. Stand your ground. No one can legally make you do other than stated in contract. Your life is more important than the job for your family.
since your still under probation, it's written clearly that either both party has the right to terminate the contract without any notification.hence, i will recommend to approach your employer quietly and let him/her know that your not satisfied with your job profile and hence, you would love to terminate the contract.
if he/she refused, then you have no option rather than to report to the ministry of labour by claiming force labour by your employer.
best of luck