By lawrenZ_09 •
Dear All,
I would kie to ask your help if its POSSIBLE for a JAPANESE PASSPORT HOLDER get a JOB here in DOHA,QATAR? Are JAPANESE Nationality is eligable to issue a WORKING VISA? or did you heared or know any Japanese Nationality is working here in DOHA.
Hope anyone can help me or advice me regarding this matter.
Thanks and Regards..
@MK: anything else :P
There are so many Japanese here in Qatar
I'm working at NIKKI
We have Japanese cars as well Toyota Nissan Daihatsu
we have Japanese subcontractor...
There are companies here in qatar run by japanese..so nor issue about that..welcome to qatar.
yes there are so many japanese...so no issues at all and welcome to Qatar in advance...
yes thre is no restriction for Japanese nations. What job are you looking for?