IT Books

By king_aragorn •
Hi everyone,
I am moving to Qatar in the coming month and i was wondering is there a bookstore especialy for IT books?
If no, then can the IT professionals out there guide me to the workaround they are taking regarding this issue.
Whoah Smoke, I was about to type exactly the same thing!
Jarir has got a pretty good selection of the more popular IT disciplines like Networking, Programming Languages, Office for Dummies etc, but the more specialist stuff you need to ship in.
My publisher of choice also offers online version for additional $10, so I get the hard copy sent to my home address, and read the soft-copy instantly.
Mr Aragorn, if you google "Jarir Bookstore Doha" you'll get their contact details, phone them and see if they have what you're after.
Yep, there is a book store here where you can get all your IT books from. Its called Jarir Book Store. If that doesn't work out for you then you can always order online and get them shipped to you.