Iphone Users
Hi all.. Freinds i have Iphone 3gs and its version is 3.1.3 & now i want to upgrade it to 4+ version but i dont know how to upgrade and i also afraid of that might be i lost all my data (photos, videos, sms) in it.. Can anybody of u can help me in this matter that how i can upgrade my iphone and how i can tranfer my files from iphone to PC..? I think there is also a risk of security (locking) while upgrading so plzz help me in that matter too.. Thanx in advance...
You should have iTunes loaded on your PC. So plug in the current phone and do a back-up. You can select what to back up and even send your contacts to gmail. Once done connect the new iPhone, iTunes will then say its new and is it a new install or reinstall from back up. Select the reinstall and the new phone will have everything the old one had.
iTunes help will also talk you through the process.
Its very easy to do and FREE!
visit shops in souk najada. most of the them do the work for a fee. it will save you the trouble.