I'm looking for a book

I would like to know where I can find this book:
"The Willpower instinct"
author: "Kelly McGonigal PhD."
I've searched for it at "Jareer bookshop" , "Abu Karbal bookshop" , "Virgin store".
If anyone knows where I can buy this book in Qatar, or if anyone have this book in good condition and wont to sell it, please let me know.
Do you have any suggestions about places where we can buy english books other than those mentioned above ??
no problem, anytime :)
I ordered it from Amazoon
Thanx for help
Anytime :) Did you get the book?
Thanx every one :)
Note Book
I give you a book... Far better than that... That tooo Freeeee... But You dont accept it....
Ofcourse, you can almost get any book on amazon or the kindle. Getting books from Amazon can take anytime between 10-21 days, most of the time 14+ from experience.
It depends what you want, just leaving the option open to you :)
If you gave up searching after three stores you definitely need it :-)
Its available on Amazon and also as a kindle download.
Salam Zaher,
My friend may be able to get it for you for 120 QR.
Its difficult to get self help books here in Qatar as there is not much demand for it.
Let me know if you're still interested.