Illegally or legally married in Qatar

I am just new to the forum and created an account because I want to know badly if My Father (who's been working and living in Qatar with his other woman) owns a property there or not and if We his children here in the Philippines whom he abandon for so many years have a right to claim a share for that property or not and If he is married in Qatar or not?
My father is been married and still legally married to my mother for 26 years( as far as Philippine law is concern),But 2 years ago we found out that my father is married to another woman and living with her in Qatar.Thats illegal though but my question is how will i know if my father's marriage was held in Qatar or not?is there any agency who I can contact to know more details?
Another one is that we also found out that he bought a property(an apartment)in Qatar so my another question is that if a foreigner can own a property in Qatar,how will I track down the registry of the property?like to whom the property named after?The address and all, is there a website of these agencies(a link will be a big help)
If they are been caught that they(my father and the other woman) are living together with illegal marriage contract,what would be the minimum and maximum punishment?..
I know I am very negative as a newbies in this forum but I still hope my question been clear enough to be answered.Thank you so much.
I am not worried about the money soley,im more on right and wrong than money.It is just right that we ask for enough monthly fund from him because i still have a minor sister so it means its his responsibility even my mom its his responsibility to give monthly allowance. (nevermind me because i have enough and sometimes more than i can spend).
My second point it that Its morally wrong not only here in our country but also there in qatar.I wont take it sitting down and let him do what is wrong.(I hope you get what I mean)
My third concern is that my minor sister will grow up seeing that we are not fighting for her right as a daughter to have a fair share to whatever is ours.I want to be a model to her and want that somehow adapt the fighting spirit I have so that she will not let other people step into her right as well in the future and so that she also know what is wrong is wrong no matter what..
Rizks..suppository should be inserted behind not between the legs(where are stool coming know what I mean right??..) but suppository is use to release the stool..;|
I am familiar to forums because i am a Search engine optimizer, so I know what this site is for, that is why Im not disclosing any information that will reveal his identity even to private msgs that i am receiving .Upon scrolling to the forum i saw different problems {though not worse as mine}asking for advices(which i am doing) and that is only an option for me so that when things comes to worse then i know what should i do.
My father is a half of me,that is why i want to know everything about him.I never seen him for quite a while and then i found out that he is married.Its not the justice I am only looking for its the satisfaction of my curiosity.
I only spend little time just to know how things work there in Qatar.
for him to have up to 4 wives. And there is no means to my knowledge by which he can be made to support you if he really wants to duck out on his responsibility. It is not like you are all in the same country and you can turn him in to the courts for support. This is a problem even here in the Arab world when a man has multiple wives and children and doesn't support them equally. From what I have been told it is up to man to decide how to spend and what the needs of each are.
You are swimming upstream towards a waterfall. You can't get anything out of a man who doesn't want to do right by his wife (or ex-wife) and children. If you have faith then you should believe that God will punish him and you have to build a better life without him.
Changes start with simple steps...I want to make a change someday...I just want to get a solution to my problem by asking so queries..thanks anyway..
I find it disturbing that you are on a social forum asking people how to go about destroying your father.
While he might not be worth much as a father, since he has left you all behind and carried on with his life - I am trying to understand what justice you will get from getting him arrested or deported.
You won't get anything out of him if this is the case... it will probably on serve to increase what I think are already very strained relations...
Forget him, he isn't worth the time and effort you are spending in trying to track him down or make trouble for him... he will get his dues one day... the wheel does turn.
May be I know your father because during that period only few Philipine Nationals working in Qatar.
I suggest you, just contact your Embassy and they will help you............
send his qatar aid details a photo and also the photo of the women explaing the full details mkaren or try to come here on visit or request someone here to help
"yessss if your dad converted to islam he can married twice,thrice..." what do you mean by this sentence.....?
as someone above said, if your father reverted to the local religion, then he is entitled to the marriage.
But you can track his marriage through our embassy 'cause he need a certification from our embassy for such marriage to take place.
As to your rights, it remains intact but I suggest that you forego about the property (if there is really) here in Qatar.
The only way you can have get your fair share is if he passes away and his remains brought back in our country, then your mother being the legally original wife, can claim all that he left (insurance, benefits, properties if you have one there, etc etc.).
When it comes to your problems, refer to the following:
Children's right to their parent's property - Family Code of the Revised Philippine Constitution;
Abandonment - Violence Against Women and Children also in the revised penal code.
When it comes to the second marriage of your father, it is LEGAL in the whole world as long as he is a Muslim.
"Love your father mkaren. Talk to him."
I had the same situation before, but when my dad died, it happens to be that my stepmom has rights too, just because the Qatar Embassy also attested their fake Marriage Contract while My mom is the legal wife..You cannot do anything in Qatar but you can seek advice from DFA. If your mom will report, she can let them do sumthing for her legal rights, he can be deported if you have the evidences..
so many philippine illegal married here in doha.i dont know why the government not warm for this.
if nobody inform, nobody will catch..
ah ok...:)
Rizks, I think you're talking about something different, not the one for old age.. :P
No Rizks it is swallowed with a glass of water.
UkEng is this pill inserted in between the legs ? :(
Wat is it a Suppository ? :)
For old age there is a Blue pill.. Does wonders to the heart mind and soul and anything in between the legs..:)
Old age.. I know those bumpy bits mean something, but can't remember what :O(
britexpat.. Me think Karen is a girl?
The Heat getting to you Brit?
This guy feels betrayed because the father has "abandoned" the family and wants restitution...
What do you hope to achieve?
do you want your father to be a good father to you?
@One_Shot- yes its not allowed, but i thought girlfriends is ok :D
You may want to consider this. If your father converted to Islam and got married to a Muslim woman here, then he and his other wife is legally married in Qatar. But his obligations and responsibilty to you as a daughter still counts.
With regards to buying properties in Doha, yes it is possible for an expats but only in a certain areas.
Also, I never heard yet any agencies to contact for tracking down properties of a certain individuals in Qatar. I doubt if the authority will take concern in your father's case. Its not a criminal case though. But I think the best place for you to seek assistance are POEA, DFA or OWWA.
i thought it is not allowed to have another second wife in others' principles hmmm :/
Contact me and I will take your cse up with my Legal Department.
they will be deported out of here for sure, if they are not married and living together...! fake certificates doesn't work here... both the govt's involvement is a must!