illegal termination - No humanitarian consideration

Last 5 months ago the company terminated me without reason. They said that my end of service graduity will paid only 25% and the 75% will go to bank because i have loan. I reported to bank that i will pay the full amount, but after 15 days the police call me and put in jail. After 9 days i go out from jail and i continue to negotiate in the company but the company want me to cancel. I did not sign the final end of service gratuity that they gave me instead i go to labor to complaint a case. The labor file my complaint and for 2 consecutive court hearing the company did not attend the court hearing instead they file a case for me that i am "RAN AWAY" in short again i been in jail for 4 days like a criminal but i said to the court that i have a case. After 4 days the court give me "abraj" got out again in jail. But now my problem the police call me and said that within 7 days i must buy my ticket because the company paid me already for all my benefits and i get all my service graduity which is not true because until now my case is in labor court. is there any chance that i get my end of service graduity even im out of Qatar and how i can buy ticket for my 2 children if i have no money is there any advise that you can help me regarding this problem. Human rights cannot help this situation because they said that my case is close
Dear Sir,
Regarding your legal matter i sent you a private message included my email id ( [email protected] ).
Kindly check it.
Best regards,
Attorneys & Legal Consultants Office
I don't understand what the bank or your employer has done wrong.
How much was you outstanding loan amount?
How much end of service did you get from your company?
Your negative point ...... Living with 2 children and still taking loan from a bank ! , ....................................... ........................................ Mon, 05.05.2014 , 07.10 hrs
Hi there ,I was bothered to your situation and i have a friend who have the same scenario like what did happen to you and for this Labor and Human rights able to understand you as well as this police .
Write in details steps by steps when ,what ,how much ( When : time and date your employer told you such so and so promises ) same when did you go to Labor /human rights and to whom you able to speak as well as what they have told you ,then after writing this in case you have some money to translate it to Arabic and have this paper be shown to labor and try to go Labor department close to Landmark and not in Doha Jadeed Labor office .You may also try to send and email to
[email protected] who may able to help you out or may able to expose what hapen to you specially in putting you to jail ...This is i so inhuman in case all you said is true and I hope by exposing thsi matter to media this company who is unable to come to your hearing may pay you or may be penalized on what they did to you .
God bless brother .
Dear all private sector companies here are evil, blood suckers and good for nothing shits...
Government will soon implement a law which is already in final stages of implementation and they will be taught good lesson once and for all