I-phone 4s ....

By Faro7a_Farah •
I heard that I-phone is a good mobile but i want to know what are the advantages and disadvantages of it. I mean many people are selling it with low prices why is it so?
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and is locked iphones r cheaper than unlocked ?
if unlocked u can use it as phone and use all the application
if locked !! u can use it as Ipad only
wats different between locked and unlocked ipones , wats reall story behind ,/???
It's the best choice if u want to buy phone specially if u stay here in Qatar and u have family or friends outside.
u can install more and more applications to make free call and its comfortable for every thing u want...etc
Selling in low price!!! its normal here in Qatar every thing u can buy it in high price and when u will sell it u will get down price not only iphone anything(car ,laptops,ipad ,TV......etc
there is three choices of iphone (white&black)
and the price around bellow :
Iphone 4 8G 2200QR
Iphone 4S 16G 2600QR
Iphone 4S 32G 3000QR
thanks for reading for all
if it very low price these are frauds, always ensure that seller is on phone and inside qatar
Disadvantages......U have to spend money on it.and for the advantages please click on the following link ;)
Me too want to know