I need to use my credit card for online shopping using Aramex Shop & Ship
I have an Aramex US mail box for mail forwarding, and I want to buy some computers stuff from Amazon.com or Ebay.com using my HSBC Internet credit card.
The problem is that most sellers will not ship to an address other than the credit card billing address that is here in Doha of course.
I asked the bank if they could add my US mail box in their files, and it seems it is impossible.
Is anybody making such online shopping ?
Can anyone help me with this issue?
Thanks for your replies.
More of us are planning to do Christmas shopping online this year.
I too am looking for gifts to buy from eBay and other places but in the past I have experienced that if you are not aware of the company that is doing the merchant services part for your shopping then your purchases might be redirected to some other goodies which you never ordered in the first place.
When trying to shop online, from stores in the US one needs to seem american by:
1. Having a US shipping address
2. Paying in US dollars
3. and in some websites such as apple.com you even need a US issued credit card.
On Qatar's Online Store, you need only to seem who you are, Qatari (if you live in Qatar) by:
1. Having a Qatari address
2. Paying in Qatari Riyyals
3. You can use any international credit card, or you can just make a bank deposit from your bank account or from QNB branches into Simpatico bank account.
Qatar's Online Store
Shop online, same-day delivery to your door in Qatar!
Thanks for all of you, especially for you Qatman.
I really appreciate.
I would recommend you get the latest Motherboard which is the best for gaming along with a suitable Graphics card and buy the rest items like the Case, Power supply and HD locally.
I can assemble myself, but there might be compatibility issues, for example with the power supply or the motherboard.
Can you give me some sites that offers such configurations and accepts to ship to my US mail box?
Thanks qatman, you're very helpful
If you know how to assemble the parts then go for it. If not go for an assembled one. There are some online shopping sites where you can select the components and they will have it assembled and deliver the system for you.
I am willing to get a gaming computer from Amazon.
Can anyone tell me if it is better to get a complete one or to build my own.
Tanks for help
Is anybody in the computer gaming ? as I want to get a gaming computer from amazon or get parts and build my system, can anyone advice on this?
I have had no problem sending stuff from Amazon to multiple addresses.
I have been purchasing electronics stuff from Amazon, never had problems.
Thank you for your prompt response, but are you sure that Amazon will send to any address ?
Did you try it before for computer parts or other electronics ?
You are Right qatman, this works fine with Amazon, Ebay is a problem though.
I guess this has been answered in one of the threads. In any case
Amazon will ship any orders to your US mailbox in Aramex even when you make payments using your HSBC Visa Card. The Billing and shipping Address could be different. Have your Qatar Address as the billing address and Your US Aramex box as Shipping address. - HTH