I am getting missed call from +221 ,

By aharichandan •
If this calls are hoax, then big thing to find out is how these people are getting our nos .Some government authorities should work on it.
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Long Live Everybody ......... including good QLers ............... Wed, 24.06.2015, 11.11 hrs
Brit: Ha! Ha!
Mods: please delete acchabaccha. He is insinuating that we kill off MM :0(
Motiv8er: i have always stated philosophers don't get understood during their lifetimes.
Brit - din't you read? be respectful.
In today's fast life who has time to bother strangers , be kind & respectful whoever remembers you & want to have a talk ........... Tue, 23.06.2015, 10.09 hrs
Oh for goodness sake. You're not being sigled out. It's Spam. Ignore the calls or if you're curious - answer them to see who it is.
I have been receiving many missed calls from +221 and other international numbers - don't answer them.
I receive so many of them. Just don't bother and delete them. They are from people who run scams.
Chandan, May be one of your distant relative is trying to reconnect with you .......... don't doubt this happening ............... Tue, 23.06.2015, 08.25 hrs