how to get fluency in enlish

By Ahmad Ali Shah •
Salam all dears,
I know alot about grammer of english and learned enough words's meanings and having experience of talking in english with my friend and i have proved myself good with them but the problem is that whenever I talk to a native english speaker i fail getting his words just because I cannot get his/her words due to his speaking speed. The Second problem is that i fail to recall my memory to use the appropriate words on the same occasion, help in in solving these problem if someone could. thanks
If so,try joining your Military , in fact the military district is VERY BIG and you will get very well rewarded if you go there for a technical skill,like engineer etc...
Or try to join other countries military that accept foreigners like France (French foreign legion),and the Russian military and Spanish one I think.
Or join your own military and you will have good chance to work in joint training and overseas.
hahah so nice of you Blosted but I have to support my brothers and help parents, I mean i need to earn money
If you ask me ,and you don't have responsibility ( Like kids etc...), I'd suggest you go do volunteering work in Africa or Asia , you will get life experience, travel everywhere and help.
you got UN, Woof etc.... those organizations will help you!
Update me with your news.
blosted thanx, I'll be happy with any job but the problem is that i am on visit visa, even the company will have to get permanent visa for me
what kind of job you looking for?
There are a lot of volunteering jobs (non-paid but food and accommodation are paid).
I will look up the links again and post them soon.
You’d better stick with the topic, you ain’t NO perfect!!! STOP trolling & stay out with that Black American stuff or whatever…LOL
We are not talking politics here west bay.
Just because Obama is Black does not mean he is not proficient in real English.
Stop trolling.
Stay on the relevant subject about how to learn English better.
Being American, I can say first of all, every culture has their own slang, street slang. It is best like LIC says you can learn American English, or the harder to understand British English.....
But do not try to learn the black American they create and say it is will be lost.
It only makes sense that if you hung out in Europe they spoke British English. American /Canadians pronounce and annunciate better. Sorry my opinion!
would that i were amongst the English native speakers for some years
Thanks blosted, I'll be happy annnnnnywhere to work for experience and tried a lot but no one is responding, even i offered to work for free
i got you quagmeree but they just do aaah ooooh yeah no ooo etc and these words are meaningless, often even they don't have conversations
you need to watch porn in English.. Why porn?
simple.. It is because you will recall most words and if not, you can always rewind and it will not be boring..
Like you don't wanna rewind a regular movie 3 times...
you know what I mean?
Oh I am sorry to hear that mate.
But Qatar has NOTHING to do with geology ,if you want geology related job try contacting National Geographic , try first to get experience by volunteering in Africa ,Asia and North America.
thanks to all again, and let me know you all, I tried a lot to get any job amongst native english speaker but i failed, because i don't have previous experience as i have a sound Bs Geology degree, Unfortunately i will have to go back unsuccessful to my country in next 8 days
I would say that if you hang out with some English folks then you will get more than what you think . For me no matter who I am with I tend to catch anything. So basically you need to meet people and talk with them to get a true taste. "YaLl kNoW wHaT i'Am tAlKiNg AbOuT"
french culture centre to learn English
Yeah well half British since I'm born there and only lived for 5-6 years, but again whenever I go to Europe or big meetings, all the classy people speak Queen's English , it is AMAZING ,they also have splendid wide vocabulary which you don't hear them repeating the same words over and over again!
of course blosted would say choose british english cause he's british hehehe!
right grammar english i prefered british cause some slang english were in americans..
thanx blosted.... and mohisa... for so much detailed advises. I'm going to do so again thanx
If you ask me I'd say British accent.
Just focus on the British accent, if you do you will be able to understand most accents without any hassle .
By the way watch British movies and shows, they are rich with different vocabulary and grammar structures.
While practicing try to learn more about the Queen's English .
As what they always say, practice makes perfect. If you want to catch up with what they are saying just watch english movies frequently. And please be noted that there are different accents of english such as american, british and etc. Just focus on one accent first if you want to master it. I prefer american english because it's widely use and it's the easiest to learn and understand among others.
Actually it is not about his speech speed .
Native English speakers talk in different tones and accent than non-natives.
Try to watch videos on Youtube , English shows ,series etc....
Your ear will get used to their speech in no time.
http:// very good language learning website (1 month free ). free very nice website also.