How do you deal with great expectations?

Everybody expects us to be perfect. We have to be the perfect employee at work, at home the perfect wife / mother / partner, we always have to have a solution for everything, never being tired, always look gorgeous, always in a good mood... Isn't that too much? Can anybody be perfect? How to deal with such situations? Is it really so bad if we fail sometimes? As for me I really hate it when everybody thinks I never have any problems, I'm always fine and they can always rely / depend on me. How can you tell somebody in a polite way that you're not perfect just perfectly fed up by the way others expect you to be perfect???
What the flook is perfect. No such thing exists. Just be yourself; bugger what anybody else thinks.
"nobody's perfect", pure and simple.. glad you're happy with what you're doing..
Thanks for the good advice :) Mmm, I'm not the T-shirt kind of person... but I love coffee. And hey, next time I might remind them that they are not that perfect either :D
Btw, my personal favourite was "oh you really should lose 5 kg, I want you to be perfect" (said a Qatari ex friend to me in a supposedly romantic moment). Moi = not fat. I stick to the rule 'if you want a man to carry you on his hands never weigh more than 50 kg' (as men are not the same they used to be before...). Him = oh boy, at least twice my weight. Telling him hey, I want a sexy guy too he said there are other rules for guys. Sure... round is a shape too, I forgot that. Double morals... I love it being told how not perfect I am by somebody who's even less perfect.
Shelly, I got rid of one of those disturbing factors but what if it comes to your job? Mmm...
Jamille, I'm doing my best too and I'm so happy with that :D
i see one tshirt at city center,theres a big logo at the back says"IM NOT OK.PISSED OFF".buy that one maybe it helps...
i don't strive to be perfect, i just do my best in everything that i do.. that's good enough for me.
Try Prozac - it really helps :-)
If they expect you to be perfect, you shouldnt be around them!