Help please

Dear moms
Please help me.We are new to doha and just a month back we had come here.We have joined my 4 years kid in Birla public school 2 weeks back in kg-2.The problem is he is finding difficult to copeup as 2 months of school is already over here.can anyone please suggest me if there are any tution centers or activity centers for english(phonics) during summer?
Awating for your advice
Personally I feel it's best to take the portion from the school and teach ur child at home. That way u cover up what the school has done only. The activity centers may not do what the scool has done, though u can still send ur child to one of these for additional activities.
Thanks a lot for ur reply ,i spoke to sylvan but what they said was my kid is too small to join over tthere.I will try in cedars.
have aSummer Program for many different academic areas.
It is a 2 week program for 5 hrs per day.
It seems to be quite a long day for kids on holidays. AND it is quite expensive.
BUT it is good!
You might also want to try one of the language centres (Cedars pops into my mind).
Good luck
thanks a lot for the reply,i will contact them
ask in aljazeera academy