HELP!!! I have a Fleecing Sheikh as Landlord

I rented a house from a Sheikh . I was asked to deposit the cheques before I could get the contract. I complied by that. After that began the story of my nightmares. The stand Alone Villa next to Landmark Mall needed a lot of repairs. I kept speaking to the agent and the manager of the said Sheikh to repair the house. Finally through a friend I got the number of the said Sheikh and went to his office. The Sheikh told me that it is small expenses, and I could repair it on my own. He also said that he has given the house to me cheap. For two months, he kept taking the rents and never repaired the house. Finally I moved into the house. Now I have been there for 7 days. The entire house leaks water. All the toilet water leaks from the ceilings and floods the entire house. When I got an estimate for the repair, I was told anything between 30,000 to 40,000 Riyals. I spoke to the agent and the Sheikh's office they say that I have to repair it myself or vacate the house. They refuse to pay my money back. I want to stop payment for further cheques and move to another place. Please let me know what are the consequences for stopping the payment. I am told that its a crime.
Please note: the contract says that the house has to be given in habitable condition and the general maintenance is to be carried out by the tenant. My issue is that the house is not habitable when I moved in. His argument is that I should have checked it before. Mine is that I could not use the toilets for 7 days before I came to live in the house.
Any help available???
I think your lawyer is right it can take many years to get back your money so better leave before you loose more money.. You should have checked the place before signing or issuing cheques.. I dont think there is much you can do other than watse your time. Im sure they will make you run for your money.. All the best friend i feel sorry for you..
dear just take pictures of ur new villa (means that parts which need repairs) and visit nearer police station and show them pictures and the contract copy where they mention that the landlord is responsible for all the repair works.. one call from police station will erase all your problems..... you can do it if you have courage...!!
on the other hand you can stop the cheques and when he claim it via the court you can accept to pay and by this you will gain time about 6 months ...which he may not like and may accept to make a settelment
Your information/ warning is good. But what else is the solution when you are an alien in a country that is not willing to listen to you. There are laws and we (the aliens) are the ones following the laws, the citizens do not care two hoots bout them. Have you ever seen an expatriate smoking in the malls? That is just for beginners, it runs much deeper and for much bigger things.
I know about stopping the cheques being a crime. I have taken the quote from two different plumbers. The problem is that the tiles and walls and floors are to be broken for the purpose. Now fixing them back is going to be more expensive than breaking them and repairing the leaking pipes. As this is a stand-alone villa made for the Qatari family, it has expensive material used in terms of flooring etc.My rent is 11000 per month. That is the issue, he rented the next villa for 14000 a couple of days after I rented this one from him. He has four identical villas. Since he rented it for 14, his manager has been telling me that I have got it cheap so I have to do all the maintainance on my own.
He is a real sheikh
thanks everyone for the response.He is a real Sheikh and I met him in person too. He told me if I can not cope up with the maintainence I can vacate the premises. He also said that he would not refund my money.His manager says that I can go to the court.I spoke to a lawyer, He asked me to pay him 15000 riyals before he sends a notice and then also re assured me that he will get me back my money through the court. But the catch is that it can take anything between two and five years for the refund to come.I also have to pay him the fee for every appearance that he makes to the court and the fee for other services. The case can take long because this Sheikh might not appear in court when asked for and that would prolong the case.My agent is suggesting that I vacate the premise and she would find me another one without taking her comission (which is peanuts compared to what I have lost on this house). But she also says that she doesn't know if I will get my money back.I am warned against stopping the payment. I am told that I can get imprisoned for the same.Now this is a catch 22 situation for me. I do not know what to do.
never easily give your trust to anyone specially when you are a stranger in that place....
What is 'royal blood'? Is it green?
never stop the cheques , it will put you in deep trouble, are you sure about the 30K-40K repair charges? How much is your rent?
Go and report this to Rent Dispute Settlement Commission here in Qatar.
They are the one authorized by Highness Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, the Emir for any dispute for rental here in Qatar issued the Law No. 4 / 2008
Hope this help
You have to be sure if he is real shk you spoken too.
maybe his the only (worker) manager be half of shk
im working also one of SHK in doha as i understand you cant
easy to spoken to shk or shka.
only big people can see Shk or Shka remember this people is royal blood.
and respected people in doha.
theres so many people landlord in doha name shk but their isnt Real Shk member of royal blood.
all shk and Shka member of royal blood is good person all of them will not distroy own name beause of the small money issue.
this is my opinion.
First of all you should never give a deposit before having a contract listing all the conditions, State of the house and who is responsible for maintenance. If you did not get or signed a contract its straight forward. Talk to a lawyer or go to the police to demand your checks back
1,you can go to the bank request to stop your cheque.
2, you can go Rent law office to ask advices
3,dont move untill the problem isnt solve.
Note : you have contract you can used that to the cort
and you have to be sure writen in arabic.
law in qatar will not accepted english writen.
should be english Arabic writen on contract.
Important : Law in Qatar you can go cort with out Lawyer you can deffend your right if you dont have money you only need person knows how to speak Arabic.
not go to Rental Committee in Muntazah along Rawdat Al Khail..... in front of Holiday Villa they may have good answer for you...
I feel sorry for you .. but thats life full of jerks and bad people. all what I can suggest is you talk to a lawyer about it and try to sort things with him before taking any further step.
so what if he SHEIKH , Qatar law for everyone , eather its sheikh or labour , try to go to court , if he is real sheikh , he may not blacklist his name .....
are you sure he is a Sheikh or just a wanabe sheikh