Heath Card replacement Via hukoomi
By Gladiator1 •
I renewed my health CARD via hukoomi site, and I paid another 100 QR for replacemnet of new card, total I paid 200Qr for both, regarding the delivery option I choose “ Collect from Rumaila Hospital" after 3 days I visited Rumaila Hospital to collect the same, but they are not given a proper attention for this, so I have no idea what is next, and they are not guide me to reach the exact location of card collection area,
Any one have any idea about location of Health card collection point ?
Telephone number or any information about this ?
okay gladiator, if there is any more problem after you go to the cashier PM me okay :)
when I visited the same hospital and asked them they nvr told me this,
Okey let me try to meet cashier section
what do you mean not given proper attention? what exactly did they say to you? did you go to the cashier section in Rumailah Hospital, coz that's where you collect the health card.
maybe you need to visit your designated clinic (same clicnic where you applied for your previous health card)