Gym near Bin Mahmood

By HerculePirate •
Can anyone tell me the nearest Gym near Bin Mahmood. I live the near the 'Center" mall.
Can anyone give directions to the place. New to Doha.
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Check Relaxation village behind Hotbread bakery(the one opp. Gulf Cinema)
I think their rates are cheap.
Check Golds Gym as well, some of their packages are reasonable.
omg!! Al Massa 1750 for 3 months?? about 1 year and a half it was 1000 for 3 months...and what is these 1100 QR for 1 month?? are they crazy?? where the hell on the earth you can find a Gym for $320 a month??? in Toronto it's about $30-40 a month, 10 (TEN!) times less! And excuse me, you cannot compare gyms in canada, fully equipped with tens and tens of different machines, and different classes every day.. compare them to Doha's miserable room with poor 4-5 machines in total...
it's really insane..
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
I did call the GYM and their rates are now
1100 QR for 1 month
2200 QR for 2 month.
Is something wrong in this place...
All I need is a Treadmill and a Gym and Instructor.
Thanks a lot for the above info though BAMBI.
There is one beside Elli France cafe infront of Ramada hotel.. Called Al Massa, Tel 4444161
750 QR for 1 month
1750 QR for 3 months
2750 QR for 6 months
3500 QR for one year