I need an advice regarding my gratuity (EOS).
I am employed in one company for 28 years from 1991 until now (2019), this company is based in Saudi Arabia and they have expanded their branches outside KSA and put some branches here in Qatar. I’ve worked with them in KSA for 10 years (1991-2001) and here in Qatar for 18 years (2001-2019). I would like to know if ever I will resign from this company, how my EOS would be calculated? Is it by KSA Labor Law or Qatar Labor Law? If it is by Qatar Labor law, how would the computation be like?
Appreciate anyone’s advice.
appreciate, thank you acchabaccha.
You are talking of two different countries, each with its own set of Labour laws which are different. Your EOS benefits for your number of years of service in Qatar will be calculated as per Labour laws of Qatar. The number of years of service in S Arabia cannot be calculated as per Qatari Labour laws.
As per my last information, your first first five years will be calculated as 21 days of basic salary for each year of service. The remaining period will be 28 days (possibly 30 days as I am not sure of this) of basic salary.