Getting married in Qatar
Can somebody please give me some information about getting married in Qatar?I was trying to find some official informations about that on internet but I couldn't find any...
Me and my boyfriend are different nationalities and non-qatari and I heared that only Qatar citizents can get married there.Is it true?
I would really apprichiate any information
u r a woman? n ur husband s a terrorist? johnd.k sum1 s tryin 2 sounds scary :)
i am onli nayz 2 nayz pipol & will help f i can.
Thanks everybody for trying to help.I really appreciate it.The procedure is very complicated and after serious thinking we decided to get married in some other country.Thanks once more for everything.
...i got married here in qatar...we are in different nationalities....we got married i shariah court qatar...may i know both your nationalities and religion?
Depends on your religion and nationality tell us the nationality and religion of both of you
daughter was to be married in Qatar. He was Tunisuian and she is British. The British Embassy agreed they would do the marriage and then changed their minds (they took the banns down in the embassy without telling us) as she was christian and he was moslem. They eventually obtained a special marriage licence and were married in the UK.
Good luck, maybe the current Consul is more accommodating than the one that we had.