Free Visa to Qatar.

I am currently residing and working in Bangladesh however I was born and bought up in Dubai, UAE. Hence life in the Arabian Peninsula is always alluring to me. I wish to live and work in the Arabia, and considering the current situation only Qatar is availing work visa to Bangladesh. At this moment the only option I am getting to move to Qatar is a free visa costing 16000 Riyal with validity of 1yr only. Considering my abilities and work experience, I am confident I will have a good professional career in Qatar, but the only thing that is bothering me is the price and validity of the visa. Is the visa cost justified? Plz help!
Thanks everyone for your helpful reply, (Mr. acchabaccha, your one was too harsh). However, if I disregard this free visa option then the next better option would be visit visa. Can anyone inform me what is the maximum duration of Visit visa even after extension and can distance relative or a friend could sponsor a visit visa.
The price is too much, don't give that much money to anybody.
There is nothing called - Free Visa
Government give certain nationality Visa allocation to the companies when they commence their business with certain expiry date attached to it for its usage. Many companies may not use their allocation and allow it to lapse. Some companies sell their visas in the open market telling people that it is a Free Visa which means, you are going to be with them for at least 2 years and get release from them after 2 years. If they dont provide you work and salary, they may ask you to work outside illegally. If police caught you , then you will be deported. So it is a risk operation. My advice to you is not to buy and come on visit ,
Good luck.
Keep in tough with your known people / community so that they can guide you
There is nothing called 'free visa'. It is a fraud and many people have become victims of it. If you are confident of getting a job here, try to come on tourist visa and search for a job or apply online from your country.
First of all let me tell you that "Free visa" is absolutely illegal in Qatar. I do not agree that life in the Arabian peninsula is "alluring" to you. Frankly, it is just the glitter of the Riyal that is getting you to come here!
Having said that, have you weighed the chances of finding a job here when you come on a "free visa?" The sellers of the visa will of course tell you that your job is "just around the corner" in Qatar. That may not true. Suggest you check will your "deshi" friends before you invest your money and become a victim.