fraud person selling RED MUSHTANG
hi every one i found 1 person not really a seller and even not living in qatar trying to spam buyers with putting verry cheap price of the car as per the model of the car so pls take care of that ADD and i would like to bring to the attention of QL admin that pls try to do something better that a person try to make QL bad place.thanx
Check it here
Gujarati language
@ tandeer deora have you tried at least searching for information??
Its the brother of Masarati....
If you tell me what in the world does gujarati mean?
hi friends...i m new in qatar...please can u tell me where is gujarati community center in qatar....?
Isn't that how the guy with the messed up face in the movie Hannibal pronounced it.
Therapist who treats injury or dysfunction with exercises and other physical treatments of the disorder.
If he is selling "MUSHTANG" that really is fraud... look for "Mustang" :P :)
There was a thread yesterday on the same issue.
there should be an option (I have seen it) that reads something like
flag this as spam/scam
Try this to warn the Mods about this fraud.