Female Corporate Attire

By amethyst0209 •
I might soon be moving to Doha, possibly by May or June. I would like to ask for your advise on the proper female corporate attire, taking into consideration the hot weather especially in the coming months. It is not a desk job and I would probably be doing a lot of walking around the building.
Thank you so much for your inputs and have a nice day!
Thanks for the warm welcome spicemom... i look forward to getting to know you all...
yr most welcome amethyst , we are a bunch of helpful yet crazy lot in here hehhehehehheheh and welcome to doha in advance......winks
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
Thank you all for your inputs...i just want to make sure i bring the right clothes as i want to minimize the things i need to buy when i get there...but i think i get the picture...Thanks again!
hey ya never know the 'fashion police' may just be watching.......lol
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
r u coming on fashion show with mini skirt?? for feild work you should have working suit like overall/coverall and a hard hat and safety shoe and safety glass.....
the best is overall...
Depends on the company origins and who you are working with
- i work for a Qatari company with Qataris and other Arab nationalities.... i wear trousers or skirts down to my feet...nothing tight. If my top is not up to my neck then I wear a big scarf. oh and arms covered.
Hair up and tied back.
Wearing skirts is not prohibited as long as its not mini like what we have in our country. Here you have your choice to wear miniskirts but just a show of respect.
or regular office wear. You can wear anything as long as it is not a bikini. (I do not mind watching though).
At all the offices I have visited, I have seen it all, summer dress, Jacket and trousers, flimsy blouses, mini skirts, low necks, open buttons, etc., Granted Qatar is an islamic state and people (in general) need to be conservatively dressed. The only time you need to clothe your self (or cover yourself more) is when you go out in the sun (Which is very hot most of the time except Nov to Feb).
I am talking about women from countries all over the world working in Qatar.
Sorry, I'm new here too... Why are skirts not a preference? Are they somehow culturally offensive to locals?
Trousers & blazers will do. Skirt not a preferences especially mini skirt but you have an options as long as below the knee.
Dress is optional but make sure not fitted and not short sleeve most of the time wear a blazer or anything to cover the top.