Expat Health Insurance - please advise me
Hi happy people, newbee in your community...I'm an expat, planning on spending most of my life in Qatar
I want to get health insurance that isn't too expensive but will still cover me if I go traveling or whatever.
Right now, I've been recommended to go for global health Asia and Pallas
Im not really good in looking through stuffs related to insurances so please help me choose
which plan look reasonable to you?
if anyone knows a good expat health insurance company that is more comprehensive,
please send the information my way. I only have to cover myself and I have my own business.
Thanks :)
thanks for your insights
Im looking through each of your suggestions
I've used ALICO and though I have never had to file a claim, it has been a pretty good process and I would definitely recommend them.
The local agent is Al-Koot insurance. Here's the website
Perhaps as the principal, you can register your business to get cover from them.
Have you tried your query with www.reddottersqatar.com? It's the S'pore Assoc in Qatar.
check this one
i had in the past and was very happy with them