حذار النيبالية سائقين! English inside
Beware of Nepali Drivers!
ما أعرف استأجرت سائق النيبالية انه المقصورة اختيار مزدوج. انه شعب انخفضت 4 في السيارة لالتقاط والانخفاض الى المدرسة وأحاط 1100Qr. فإن لم يكن التقاط ألف / C. الحملة كانت 15 دقيقة فقط. كان السائق وقحا للغاية ودائما القول معها. يوم واحد قال لي سائق سيارة كان قد افسدت وحتى للحصول على أنها تخدمها. وقال أيضا أنه لن يستغرق 4 أيام. تمكنوا من الوصول الى المدرسة لمدة 4 أيام وبعد أسبوع وانهى السائق لم يأت في يوم الاحد. 4 الناس فإن اتصل به هاتفيا لكنه لم ترتفع. في ليلة انهم اتصل به هاتفيا مرة أخرى في وصاح قائلا لهم : "لن يأتي غدا" وأغلقت الهاتف. أنا لا أقول كل منهم ولكن البعض منها مثل هذا حتى احترس!
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Someone I know hired a Nepali driver he had a double cabin pick. He dropped 4 people in the car for pick up and drop to school and took 1100Qr. The Pick up had no A/C. The drive was only 15 minutes. The driver was very rude and always argued with them. One day the driver said my car was messed up and had to get it serviced. He also said that it will take 4 days. They managed to get to school for 4 days and after the week ended the driver did not come at Sunday. The 4 people phoned him but he did not pick up. At night they phoned him again and he yelled at them saying "I won't come tomorrow" and he closed the phone. I am not saying all of them are but some are like this so watch out!
What do u mean?
what r udoin OverLord ?.....u must be OverLoad!!!!
lol i know. I used a translater.
lol the text in arabic made me laugh :P (it doesn't make sense)
oh all drivers here without any exception don't know how to drive!!!!no one is perfect!
I dont go with the flow, I let the flow come to me.